So we ended up with our snow day today. Though we totally blew the day off. CD and I didn't even bother to get dressed. I didn't even have to get out to take dad dude to catch his ride for work. Catcher Dude actually slept most of the morning away. He has always been my sleeper. Even as an infant. He was my 12 hour baby. No matter what time he went to bed .. 12 hours later he would wake up. It was crazy. I was never really a sleep deprived mom.
Anyway when he finally rose from the
dead bed we enjoyed the day. I broke down and even played PS2 with CD. I
hate playing PS2 with him. He only has driving games or sports for the most part. I can do neither. Plus he plays them so much he has them mastered and no one likes playing with him. His friends, if and when they ever come over here, will not play with him. He kills them.
LOL. Oh well. He agreed to play some non-sports game, non-driving game. It was all good. Then we
snuggled up vegged out and watched a couple of the Christmas movies I have saved up on my
TIVO. That was the extent of our SNOW DAY.
More snow and ice is to come middle of night. CD is totally hoping school is cancelled the rest of the week. Every day/night is calling for ice and snow so there is a possibility. I do not hold thy breathe. Though I am looking forward to
winter break, screw it .. CHRISTMAS BREAK. Though we have a busy packed two weeks planned it is still always nice to have him home. When I get him up and out of bed.
Oh .. almost forgot. On the Dr front. With the holidays upon us the office is really short staffed. I really didn't want to go back to the same Dr. I saw before, but not really a choice. So even though they are really booked solid until New Years Eve, crabby-no bed side manners-older than dirt Dr. will squeeze me in tomorrow. *crossing fingers* roads are okay for me to drive on. But I when I have to do the follow up appointment I am going to see about switching to this woman they have in the practice. I am hoping she will be easier to talk to, and has better bed side manners. *sigh* This is one reason I never went back to follow up with him the last time I was there I hated, and I hardly ever say I hate something, hated this Dr. *sigh*
Well I am back off to watch more TV and head to bed.
~*~ Night ~*~
Enjoy the snow! (I have never seen real snow since I grew up in the south!)
never seen real snow? I remember getting a winter job one year while I was in college in Vermont. The job was in Miami.
Day one, January 2, 1986: arrive, go over the causeway to Miami Beach. Air temp 80, water temp 80. The question was and is: why have I always lived in a place with 11 months of winter and one with pretty poor sledding? ;^)
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