Tuesday, October 9, 2007

WTF ..

It's a school night!!

So yah! I like watching Catcher Dude play. But getting home a little before 11 pm, is pushing it in my book. I will ... I will, HA! WE will be draggin butt in the a.m. There is NO WAY I am getting my butt up to get him on the bus in the morning, err today. So I will just take him in. If I can get the dad dude to get up and take him ... EVEN BETTER. SCORE!!

So scores and such will have to wait. The score book is in the truck and I am NOT getting dressed to go get it. :P

I do remember the first game (6:00 PM) they lost and lost horribly. There was even a parent fight over a child. Not a pleasant experience. Actually it got so rough that kid had tears in his eyes and wasn't sure he wanted to complete the game.

Second game (8:15 PM) had the familiar smile back on his face. They won this game. He caught I believe 5 innings, and played 1st base the other two. LONG game. Scoring was done, great plays at plate & base took place. It was a fun game. :-)

Details to come.


Alrighty, so it is almost 2 pm and I am still draggin ass around here. But I did want to get back to this post before starting another one.

So the first game as I said was a nightmare. There were many issues that I would have done differently, but I am not the coach, manager, etc. Catcher Dude played SS all 4 innings, and I am totally shocked that it was only 4 innings as I am reading over the score sheet. In the 1st inning he scored (putting them up 1-0), and scored in the 3rd inning bring it to 2-3 but anothe child scored so it went into the bottom of the 3rd 3-3, okay so far so good. Bottom of the 3rd is when H-E- Double Hockey Sticks croke out. The opposing team scored 9 runs and parents broke out into a fight (oh good lordy!). It ended 4-12 and hurt feelings by some.

Then we get to the 2nd game which I really thought CD was going to have me turn the truck around and go home. :o( But his desire to play out ruled his feelings towards some parents and players.

He never scored during second game. They had him towards the bottom and when he got on base, he was stuck behind others that couldn't/wouldn't steal. But he did hit well, and caught 5 of the 7 innings. He made some nice plays behind the plate. Threw out 2 at second. The other two innings, he played 1st. He threw out to seond and third to get outs. The final score was 7-5. Nice win.

Luck for us there is no school on Friday, so the 8:15 game on Thursday will not be an issue. :)

1 comment:

Elisa said...

11 pm is way late in my mind for kids to be up on school nights. Is this the life I can look forward to? LOL

Hope you got a nap.