Today was the last game of this season with the Longhorns. Little bitter sweet. I really love this coach. He has really stepped up catcher dude's game. But as it turns out Catcher Dude will be moving on. As I talked about in the 10-01-07 blog. CD went and tried out for a triple A team
Then what will Spring/Summer 2008 ball bring? Well it really is in the air. As it breaks down this is the options:
Triple A:
Offered a position on their team. They are considering just playing tournaments and not league. Which could free CD up to play a second team.
Longhorns (Select Silver):
Still on their team and our expecting him back to start workouts in January.
1. Not play Triple A, and play this level.
2. Which he could play as a second team when not playing tournaments with Trip A.
Rhinos (Flor. Rec team):
Choices here are about the same as above
ONE: Drop all together.
TWO: Have him practice and play as a third team and only show up when not playing with above.
Which really I do not see as an option. I am not for dragging them along. They probably deserve more than he can offer them. But who knows, he owns a uniform so they might.
A's & Chargers (BMAC & MH Rec team):
They are offering to pay every cost and play as a 3rd choice (which is really a 4th choice) and just show up when ever he can and play whenever he can. Not expecting more than that.
So will DH bend again and let him continue with more than one team? Will the balls all align and it all fall into place? I really don't know. But decisions need to be made. Monies are due by Dec 1.
Ah .... decisions, decisions ..
All I know is I want to sit and have a good cry and have no clue why.
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