Friday, October 19, 2007

Update from 10-16

Updating what is Catcher Dudes choices for now as he is really upset as things went down Thursday night. So the updates are in red.

Storm~ Season Over, team dissolved. (Of course will not return .. team gone)

Rhino~ One more double header. (Will not return do not like the team. A case of grass isn't always greener on the other side type thing)

Longhorn~ Season Over. Probably NOT returning. Wasn't the team kid was looking for. (Though I love this coach, it is the kids choice.) (Will not go back for the reason already stated)

Athletics~ Season over. Asked kid to come back in the Spring, but wasn't the drama of parents I was looking, and then they ended up dissolving as well and we didn't have to make a choice. (Of course will not return .. team gone)

Chargers~ Season over. Kid will be returning. He loved these kids. They are in love with Catcher Dude and will take him when they can get him. (What rec team wouldn't want a Triple A Catcher to come? lol) (Will not play for this team, he was stabbed in the back by the kids he so loved on this team .. B & R so he is washing his hands of them.)

Cyclones ~ Still on team, not sure if practicing anymore. Not sure about staying ~ Leaving (defaulting to this team. As all that left. Catcher Dude is fine with this team. I on the other hand am not but not my team, he has to live with this. I always have the option of not going, or if I have to be the driver .. drop off. )

Slam~ Should hear by Wednesday if made team or not. (edit: they called tonight, he is suppose to go back Thursday. So we will see.) (Well he may or may not made this team. Was suppose to know Monday. But as we all left ... CD, B & R, they asked B to stay behind. They offered B one of the positions, and said they would choose Monday between CD and R. Well B said he would only take the position if R was offered the other position, they are a package deal.

So the way I understand this Monday CD will get his rejection email or phone call. *sigh* So CD washed his hands of B & R. Personally if I was the coach I would have said well then KMA. So nice a child (and his parents) can sway a coach like that.

I am beyond disappointed. I can not believe this happened, but I should be surprised. B likes to jump on others coat tails and take positions on multiple teams. He was not suppose to be at the try-outs for the Slam, but jumped on board CD and K coat tails. WTF!

So B is currently on Longhorns, Chargers, Cyclones, and Slams. Having to desire to drop any.

R is on Longhorns, Chargers, and Slams. *shaking head*

I am going to bed. I can not seem to shake this stomach bug I have. Probably stress.


Yes this could all change if he ever calms down. He is away for the weekend so this might help. He needed to get away ... too many people in this house anymore. :)

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