Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Friday, October 26, 2007
Landed on the DL
What is LLE ~
Little League Elbow is a
How is Little League Elbow treated? ~
Rest, rest, and more rest. At least a recovery time of six weeks. Ice the elbow. Splint when possible. If doesn't heal, or continues to separate it becomes a surgical situation.
Luckily this was found early enough that CatcherDude has light restrictions. He can still bat. He can play 1st base, but throw under handed. He can not under any circumstance throw. Not a golf ball, baseball, cotton ball, nadda, nothing!! Or he will be on the DL longer.
Things will have to change in the spring as well. He is not playing more than one team (if this mom as a say). The amount of practice and play time will reduce.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Update from 10-16
Updating what is Catcher Dudes choices for now as he is really upset as things went down Thursday night. So the updates are in red.Storm~ Season Over, team dissolved. (Of course will not return .. team gone)
Rhino~ One more double header. (Will not return do not like the team. A case of grass isn't always greener on the other side type thing)Longhorn~ Season Over. Probably NOT returning. Wasn't the team kid was looking for. (Though I love this coach, it is the kids choice.) (Will not go back for the reason already stated)Athletics~ Season over. Asked kid to come back in the Spring, but wasn't the drama of parents I was looking, and then they ended up dissolving as well and we didn't have to make a choice. (Of course will not return .. team gone)Chargers~ Season over. Kid will be returning. He loved these kids. They are in love with Catcher Dude and will take him when they can get him. (What rec team wouldn't want a Triple A Catcher to come? lol) (Will not play for this team, he was stabbed in the back by the kids he so loved on this team .. B & R so he is washing his hands of them.)
Cyclones ~ Still on team, not sure if practicing anymore. Not sure about staying ~ Leaving (defaulting to this team. As all that left. Catcher Dude is fine with this team. I on the other hand am not but not my team, he has to live with this. I always have the option of not going, or if I have to be the driver .. drop off. )Slam~ Should hear by Wednesday if made team or not. (edit: they called tonight, he is suppose to go back Thursday. So we will see.) (Well he may or may not made this team. Was suppose to know Monday. But as we all left ... CD, B & R, they asked B to stay behind. They offered B one of the positions, and said they would choose Monday between CD and R. Well B said he would only take the position if R was offered the other position, they are a package deal.
So the way I understand this Monday CD will get his rejection email or phone call. *sigh* So CD washed his hands of B & R. Personally if I was the coach I would have said well then KMA. So nice a child (and his parents) can sway a coach like that.
I am beyond disappointed. I can not believe this happened, but I should be surprised. B likes to jump on others coat tails and take positions on multiple teams. He was not suppose to be at the try-outs for the Slam, but jumped on board CD and K coat tails. WTF!
So B is currently on Longhorns, Chargers, Cyclones, and Slams. Having to desire to drop any.
R is on Longhorns, Chargers, and Slams. *shaking head*
I am going to bed. I can not seem to shake this stomach bug I have. Probably stress.
Yes this could all change if he ever calms down. He is away for the weekend so this might help. He needed to get away ... too many people in this house anymore. :)
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Thursday 13
- Field of Dreams ~ Kevin Costner
- The Rookie
- Air Bud - Seventh Inning Fetch
- For Love of the Game ~ Kevin Costner
- Major League
- Bull Durham ~ Kevin Costner
- Rookie of the Year
- Angels in the Outfield
- The Natural
- Fever Pitch
- Everyone's Hero
- The Sandlot
- *61
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
One more to go ..
The boys (chargers) played awesome last night. But these 8:15 pm games are a nightmare on school nights. It was after midnight when we all got to bed. They won their first game, lost their second (but the Cardinals brought in kids to see this happen .. whatever). So the Chargers ended their season 10-2. Good job.
Storm~ Season Over, team dissolved.- Rhino ~ One more double header.
Longhorn~ Season Over. Probably NOT returning. Wasn't the team kid was looking for. (Though I love this coach, it is the kids choice.Athletics~ Season over. Asked kid to come back in the Spring, but wasn't the drama of parents I was looking, and then they ended up dissolving as well and we didn't have to make a choice.Chargers~ Season over. Kid will be returning. He loved these kids. They are in love with Catcher Dude and will take him when they can get him. (What rec team wouldn't want a Triple A Catcher to come? lol)- Cyclones ~ Still on team, not sure if practicing anymore. Not sure about staying ~ Leaving
- Slam ~ Should hear by Wednesday if made team or not. (edit: they called tonight, he is suppose to go back Thursday. So we will see. )
I know I am done with all the running. I am always so tired lately. I have to have naps to keep up with kids. But now we are just down to Catcher Clinic on Wednesdays for next 16 weeks. That starts tomorrow. Plus we still have one more double header with the Rhino's.
But until then .. I am off to nap. Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz
Sunday, October 14, 2007
So tired Sunday
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Thursday 13 & Birthday Wishes
To my mother .. Hope you have a wonderful day!! :o)
1. Stealing bases.
2. I like to score.
3. The sound of the ball coming off my bat.
4. Throwing runners out.
5. Playing catch
6. Blocking balls in the dirt
7. Wearing Catchers equipment
8. The thrill of achiving the next level of play
9. Playing with other kids that have the same love of the game as me.
10. Getting dirty while stealing
11. Season is longer then most sports
12. The smell & feel of the gloves & new baseballs
13. To have fun and to win.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
knock me over w/ a feather ~ Rachel's Challenge
He is playing again tomorrow. So I have another night off. I am off to a presentation tonight at the High School. 'Rachel's Challenge'
Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her six diaries have become the foundation for one of the most life-changing school programs in America - Rachel's Challenge.
I have heard nothing but positive things about this. Though not recommended for young children as I understand. So since CD is with the dad dude tonight I am off for some me time.
also .....
I finally after repeat times of trying to get a hold of the Communication teacher, the main Principal told me the SSD supervisor had been contacted. So I stepped in and called today, and dropped my *bomb* I hope they take this serious and steps are taken, as I will press the issue. I am most certain the SSD supervisor will take the steps needed. They know I am *stick a fork in me* and I want the SSD teacher removed. They have until the trimester to solve.
also .....
My headaches are starting again. Ugh! I am hoping it is the weather changes. Though I am nursing a lot of Advil. So we will see. I can always call and start my meds again.
also ....
I have put in motion the steps to begin working out of the home again. Money needs to start coming in more. This is what happens when the household increases, and not the income. I have a few feelers out there. So we will see.
Later in the evening ... Continued .....

It is sort of sad the district only had this at one of the High School's. They should have tried to have this presented at a couple schools. I really would have liked to seen Catcher Dude see this tonight.

I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same. - Rachel Scott
All quotes & photos are from the website.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
WTF ..
So yah! I like watching Catcher Dude play. But getting home a little before 11 pm, is pushing it in my book. I will ... I will, HA! WE will be draggin butt in the a.m. There is NO WAY I am getting my butt up to get him on the bus in the morning, err today. So I will just take him in. If I can get the dad dude to get up and take him ... EVEN BETTER. SCORE!!
So scores and such will have to wait. The score book is in the truck and I am NOT getting dressed to go get it. :P
I do remember the first game (6:00 PM) they lost and lost horribly. There was even a parent fight over a child. Not a pleasant experience. Actually it got so rough that kid had tears in his eyes and wasn't sure he wanted to complete the game.
Second game (8:15 PM) had the familiar smile back on his face. They won this game. He caught I believe 5 innings, and played 1st base the other two. LONG game. Scoring was done, great plays at plate & base took place. It was a fun game. :-)
Details to come.
Alrighty, so it is almost 2 pm and I am still draggin ass around here. But I did want to get back to this post before starting another one.
So the first game as I said was a nightmare. There were many issues that I would have done differently, but I am not the coach, manager, etc. Catcher Dude played SS all 4 innings, and I am totally shocked that it was only 4 innings as I am reading over the score sheet. In the 1st inning he scored (putting them up 1-0), and scored in the 3rd inning bring it to 2-3 but anothe child scored so it went into the bottom of the 3rd 3-3, okay so far so good. Bottom of the 3rd is when H-E- Double Hockey Sticks croke out. The opposing team scored 9 runs and parents broke out into a fight (oh good lordy!). It ended 4-12 and hurt feelings by some.
Then we get to the 2nd game which I really thought CD was going to have me turn the truck around and go home. :o( But his desire to play out ruled his feelings towards some parents and players.
He never scored during second game. They had him towards the bottom and when he got on base, he was stuck behind others that couldn't/wouldn't steal. But he did hit well, and caught 5 of the 7 innings. He made some nice plays behind the plate. Threw out 2 at second. The other two innings, he played 1st. He threw out to seond and third to get outs. The final score was 7-5. Nice win.
Luck for us there is no school on Friday, so the 8:15 game on Thursday will not be an issue. :)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sad Ending .. Confusing choices ahead
Today was the last game of this season with the Longhorns. Little bitter sweet. I really love this coach. He has really stepped up catcher dude's game. But as it turns out Catcher Dude will be moving on. As I talked about in the 10-01-07 blog. CD went and tried out for a triple A team
Then what will Spring/Summer 2008 ball bring? Well it really is in the air. As it breaks down this is the options:
Triple A:
Offered a position on their team. They are considering just playing tournaments and not league. Which could free CD up to play a second team.
Longhorns (Select Silver):
Still on their team and our expecting him back to start workouts in January.
1. Not play Triple A, and play this level.
2. Which he could play as a second team when not playing tournaments with Trip A.
Rhinos (Flor. Rec team):
Choices here are about the same as above
ONE: Drop all together.
TWO: Have him practice and play as a third team and only show up when not playing with above.
Which really I do not see as an option. I am not for dragging them along. They probably deserve more than he can offer them. But who knows, he owns a uniform so they might.
A's & Chargers (BMAC & MH Rec team):
They are offering to pay every cost and play as a 3rd choice (which is really a 4th choice) and just show up when ever he can and play whenever he can. Not expecting more than that.
So will DH bend again and let him continue with more than one team? Will the balls all align and it all fall into place? I really don't know. But decisions need to be made. Monies are due by Dec 1.
Ah .... decisions, decisions ..
All I know is I want to sit and have a good cry and have no clue why.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
10 feet under
Monday, October 1, 2007
Monday moan .. weekend recap.
Monday morning and kicking our butts all the way. These new school hours are going to be the death of me, us.
Catcher Dude just doesn't get to sleep early enough so he can get up at 5:55 to catch a 6:30 bus. I am sorry, this is WAY to early for a child. But he can go to bed early, he was in bed by 8, but still be wide awake. He was still up at 11 (I believe, I was in bed by then).
He wouldn't even eat breakfast this morning he was still so tired. But then again with new time change he eats lunch at 9:55 am. So why bother.
This weekend was nice. Saturdays games was were good. Long day as usual. Left house around 11 a.m. and didn't get home until around 9-10 p.m.
He ended up playing 2.5 games. They wanted him to play 1/2 the second game, when we planned on just leaving after the first. The first game was 6-5. Close game. Catcher dude caught most of this game. He pitched (UGH) part of the second game. When we left second inning they were tied 2-2. So I can't say what happened after we left.
We got to the third game in plenty of time with staying longer at first team longer than originally planned. LH game was a land slide. 17-7. CD was playing awesome. They are trying to train a back up catcher for this team (better get a full-time catcher as CD is looking to move on) so they pulled him when they got so far ahead. Afterwards we went to dinner. But as usual, I was done before we hit the restaurant and didn't want to be there.
Sunday one game day and windy as heck! I was miserable yesterday. The area we were in was terribly windy and without rain lately the dirt was flying. I was eating dirt. Blah! But they played well even though there was a lot of times for dirt flying. Score was 12-5 so they ended the tourney on a split 2-2 and placing 5th, Not bad.
We headed out of there in a rush as since we won Saturday night instead of pulling 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. slot we pulled 2 p. Catcher dude was to be at a try-out at 4 p. But I emailed them the night before and they still wanted him there. We actually was only about 10-15 minutes later, and it was just enough time as they just finished warming up and playing catch. Which of course CD didn't even need. Actually when we got there we found 3 other kids from his team there. LOL.
12U- Select Gold - Team with strong core group of players looking for
additional talented and dedicated players for 2008 spring/summer season. We will
be a competitive AAA team and play approximately 45-50 games including one or
two out-of-town tournaments (Cooperstown, NY and possibly KC or Columbia).
The dirt flying was just as bad there and I was DONE. Stick a fork in me I was over cooked. UGH. But I couldn't pull him and leave so I sucked it up. He actually had a great tryout. DH said that was the BEST he ever seen him play. That is HUGE coming from DH. LOL
So that is the weekend recap. Catcher Dude had a great time won all the games he played, did awesome at his tryouts, and didn't get hurt. That is all worth the eating of dirt, sitting in bright sun, and cranky as all heck.