Wednesday, July 21, 2010

20 Days

Taken from Headless Mom

In the next 20 days I will:

* 8 of those days driving Catcherdude to XC practice Cancelled
* Cleaning house many of those days
* Finish reading Lean Mean Thirteen DONE
* Laundry plenty
* Clean out CD closets & drawers getting rid of stuff
* Driving catcherdude school Registration
* Appt with the Orthopedic Dr. ~ Catcherdude
* Appt with Dentist ~ Catcherdude
* Start (and hopefully Finish) reading Fearless Fourteen
* Listen to mom complain about taking gd shopping for school
* Watch 5 more baseball games that CD is not able to play in
* 3.5 of those days put up with DH on vacation
* Go see Despicable Me
* Get CD hair cut COMPLETED
* Have 2 paychecks deposited
* Take CD shopping
* Go see Charlie St. Cloud
* Start stress about upcoming school year
* Watch checkbook drain money getting ready for school year
* Listen to mom complain about sending gd off first day school

I am sure there is more but I am blank at this time.

*CD = Catcherdude/teen/kid
*GD = Granddaughter

Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

I can't find my blog said...

Does your mom take care of gd? What's the story there?