(actually I started this list last Fri 1/25, but I didn't get posted so I continued on for this week ..)
(started 1/25)
It is no surprise my first on list is Mr. A$$ Clown himself. A BIG TWO HANDED FLIP OFF to you!! You have caused so much up roar in this house. I am sick to death of it. As of today you are still walking around just pleased as punch what you have caused. Karma! All I am saying ..
Then lets add the admins of said school. Don't hands are tied me. Untie the sumb!tches and get off your highly seated throne your lazy a$$es are sitting on.
The back screen door that just will not keep it's screws intact. Who doesn't like their screws? You would think you would hang onto your's. Just Saying! I really do not wish to have a glass window fall on thy wee head. Thanks! I will pass!
To the icicles that keep forming on the roof. Really? Don'tcha know .. Those icicles have been known to kill people. But you just keep coming back, and I will just keep knockin' you down.
Lastly this week .. to those who think you have the right to even comment about me as a parent/mother. You don't know me. Just because what you read in a blog or 140
characters on twitter does not portray the whole Muther Flip-Flopp'in picture. Just sayin!
(con't on 2/4)
To the mailman. STAY OUT OF MY YARD!! It is not roped off for you to still try to bring your fat purple people eater self and your 100lb. bag into it. My yard is sinking! That is why we roped it off.
To CDD's company. Twice you pulled the "stay home, closing the company" but you have to use a personal day, vacation day, or sick day. SCREW YOU!! If your going to close -- you pay the employees!! ALSO -- if you are going to close for front office & 1st shift, have the same respect for 2nd shift.
I have another Birdie for my Step-Dad. Just because you choose to wake up at butt crack dawn, and shower, sh!t, shave, watev, does not mean when above company closes for 1st shift and you have to go in, does not mean you have to go in early pulling CDD out of bed wit no shower, food, or shoveling me & teen out of house! Ugh!
Then there is the neighbor across the street. When to street department gets our street all nice and clean, why must you throw your snow in the street getting it all fudged up? Freezing back up and then of course making it harder for me to get in my driveway cuz the crap iced up right where you threw it? *sigh* Thanks! Old Creepy Guy!!
CD's Car! Really? Again? We just spent all this $$ in December fixing your butt. Seriously had no plans to want to have more work on you today. But unfortunately .. ya got to have wiper motor to use the wipers. But the last time I was leaving the shop having you fixed I got that horrible call about CD's broken finger. Let's not have a repeat of that shall we?
Baseball Mom
©2006-2011 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Thanks for letting me in. Sorry you've had such a run of crap. Yeah, I hate that guy that puts snow in your driveway. What a douche.
btw, if you're private you can probably take down comment moderation.
Thanks. I fixed the comment moderation. :) Yep! Douche is a good word for him. :)
WE all have to vent. And venting you did well. ;-)
I'm with you - the icicles on the roof, insane!!!!
glad you linked up, feel good?? hope so!
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