So keeping with that theme I thought I would mention someone I apparently never mention. Give him his own post. The husband. (Someone ask me a while back if it was just my son & I. They never heard mention of anyone else on my blog.)
Well I guess that is just an over site on my part. See the husband, Catcher dudes dad, he works A LOT! Not only does he work a lot. He works horrible hours. So when there is all the comings and goings going on around the house, he is not here. He can go 5 days some times and not see CD. He isn't at the games, unless he uses vacation time, I get to enjoy and take for granted. He doesn't get to go to Open Houses, School Functions, Banquets, Doctor appointments, etc.. All the things I seem to now take for granted. That wear me out to no end it seems, he misses. The Husband (CDD) probably has missed most of all firsts in this house.
But what he does do that we take for granted. Work 10 hour nights. Hard working labor as well, not a desk job. Travels 45 minutes each way. Works almost all the OT that is offered. Reducing again the time he sees his family. Why does he? For his family.
He will be the first to tell you when I got pregnant and announced I was not going back to work he hated the idea. The thought of being a 1 income family was not what he pictured (Though I warned him plenty of times before the I Do's & the stick turning two lines) But he didn't complain to much after a while. He worked 2 & 3 jobs sometimes. He has always done a lot to make the financial means in this household.
If you ask him now he will say though it has sucked at times he wouldn't change it. He is glad
So this Labor Day I thank my husband for all he has done for us.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wow! Wonderful post!
That was sweet. Cheers B-Mom!!
Awwww. Great share! It is so wonderful to be home and not miss so much with our babies. Thanks to the Daddies (and sometimes Mommies) who make this possible.
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