Thursday, September 30, 2010

30 days of Baseball Mom

.. because apparently i am a follower and not a leader (lol)
i am following Kelly at Green Olives & Pickle Juice ....

going to attempt to do 30 days of Baseball Mom ....

follow along with me ... join in the fun ... copy and paste the following in your side bar ... link back to each post as you make them ... let me know if you decide to follow along ... by leaving me a comment ... feel free to interrupt your daily posts with your daily ramblings ... or do none of the above & run to the hills ..

Starting tomorrow .. Day 1 of Baseball Mom!

Day 1 {Introduce}
Day 2 {Your first love}
Day 3 {Your parents}
Day 4 {What you ate today}
Day 5 {Your definition of Love Day}
Day 6 {Your day}
Day 7 {Your best friend}
Day 8 {A moment}
Day 9 {Your beliefs}
Day 10 {What you wore today}
Day 11 {Your siblings}
Day 12 {What’s in your bag}
Day 13 {This week}
Day 14 {What you wore today}
Day 15 {Your dreams}
Day 16 {Your first kiss}
Day 17 {Your favorite memory}
Day 18 {Your favorite birthday}
Day 19 {Something you regret}
Day 20 {This month}
Day 21 {Another moment}
Day 22 {Something that upsets you}
Day 23 {Something that makes you feel better}
Day 24 {Something that makes you cry}
Day 25 {A first}
Day 26 {Your fears}
Day 27 {Your favorite place}
Day 28 {Something that you miss}
Day 29 {Your aspirations}
Day 30 {One last moment}

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

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