Friday, August 27, 2010

The Catcher Report ..

That title caught me last week and thought, hell why not. Use it again. :)


So now we have two full weeks of Sophomore year under way. I couldn't tell you anymore than I did last week about the comings and goings. Which I will not let sit idle another week. I haven't asked one question. Checked phone once. Looked on-line at grades. There is lax then there is lazy ass parent syndrome. So I will check-in soon.

Open House was last night. I know Catcher Dude was excited he had all female teachers. Because well frankly he can bat those hazel eyes and they give into him. This was proven last year. Over and Over. Well sorry to break it to you son, but your xxx teacher, yeah she is batting for the other team. So good luck batting eyes at her. :) Which really they need to stop giving into him.

Other than that they all seem fine. Just fine. None I would jump for joy and say she is a great person/teacher. He is in two aided classrooms. Which I was told by SSD that wouldn't happen due to funding. So okay. But then you did it anyway. Make up your minds already. There is one issue he does want addressed, so I will send an email to admins in the next couple weeks. You walk into one teachers room and you are knocked over by the smell of coffee. Oy! It is bad. Like coffee house x3. There is no reason to have 2 coffee pots and subjecting students to that smell.


XC last week's time trials went well. Out of 38 he placed 11. He wasn't happy with his time. But they were all on high side. It had rained the night before and wet, soggy, muddy, terrain isn't the best for running. The top runner on his team just is unbelievable. His time was 18:39, and that isn't his best record either. I really think he will beat the school record soon.


Been another quiet week at the Home Fields. Which is not the norm for around here. So I am not sure what is up with that, but will enjoy it while it lasts.

So that is all my ramble this Friday.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.


Jay said...

When I was in 7th grade I had a teacher who batted for the other team. Well, she was at least a switch hitter.


Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

"Catcher Report", like it. ;-)

Need to check in with the Teenager and see how his first week of highschool went.

Glad things seem to be going well. We survived week one with narely a scathed. Which is leaving my quite optimistic about this school year!