First stop was the dentist. I love his Pediatric Dentist. CD has go here since he was 2.5-3 yrs old. It is the most kid-friendly dentist office I have seen.

Mr. Spiderman here is planted on the ceiling in the lobby to greet all his lil clients. There are many other characters all over the office to meet and greet. Even sports rooms. It really is a cool place, I wish I had a dentist office like this as a child, maybe I wouldn't hate dentists as much.
So CD & his pearly whites pass all inspections. No cavities. Everything looking well expect one
So then we move on to the next appointment. Time to see if all is free and clear with the digit. Has the broken bone healed enough? Will he get his pass off the DL and onto the field? Well it is still chipped/broke. But the DR doesn't believe the chip will reattach itself. Says it happens sometimes. Even some pro players will still have the chip broke off. Which means anytime he now has that hand/finger x-rayed it will show it was broken at some point.
So if he can play pain free .. then go for it. He still needs to buddy tape it more often than what he was the last few weeks, but other than that he
So that is good. But then CD springs on a new little surprise. He's had this "bump" on his heal for a while and it is still hurting and he can't really run and well you know Cross Country for the HS starts week after next. (Why does he spring things on us so last minute??? TEENS!?!) So Doctor looks at it Oh its a Planter's Wart. *rolling eyes* You neither need to go to your primary Pediatrician or a dermatologist. GREAT!!
Oh lovely! He has had warts treated before, they do not budge. If he can not run with this on his heal, there went the season. I made calls after calls trying to get him into a specialist BEFORE season starts, heck I couldn't get him in BEFORE September. He (as well as I) wanted this treated aggressively. Well ended up at Pediatrician. More money to yet another doctor in one day. *sigh* Come to find out they will only freeze them now anyway. Having it surgically removed isn't an option.
So he froze it & sent us on our way. Crossing fingers this will work. Though not hopeful. Didn't work in fingers, probably won't on foot/heel. All we can do is wait and see .. plus tomorrow start duct taping it.
But HELLO! Weeks?!? We could have been fighting this earlier, and now 12 days before XC starts you mention this? Dumb Ass!!
As stated before .. Dentist, doctor, and doctor .. OHHH MYYYY!!!
Baseball Mom
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oh fun time! :(
Oh MY! And with school and now his, GASP, sophmore year! And, BB is probably going to earn him big scholarships!!
Isn't the plantars wart like a thing under the skin? That hurts real bad? I'm thinking I've had a family member with one and a friend's husband.
The dermatologist or some doctor that could inject it with a steroid said to roll that part of the foot over a bottle of frozen water. The cool helps relieve the pain but the pressure helps break down the plantar wart.
Maybe google to be sure I'm thinking of the same thing...
Oh, and that finger break looks... well, no bueno...
Too much with all his great sports plans for school and such activity! :-(
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