I must say he really seems so at ease and confident. I was actually shocked how comfortable he seemed and no doubts when I picked him up yesterday. He really is convinced that he did well. The coaches did say (for what reason, and purpose I have no clue .. just to stir pot IMO) there is already 4 boys they know for sure they are taking. But OF COURSE gave no idea as to who these already lucky 4 were.
One peeve CD had was they perfectly stated in the meeting over a month ago, if you did not show up with all equipment (bats, gloves, etc) & proper apparel (baseball socks, baseball pants, baseball Jersey, belt, baseball hat, etc) you were cut immediately. Well apparently there were some that did not listen. All they were told show up like that again tomorrow and your cut! "Hmpth!" Says CD. The one thing I was NOT happy about, and Catcherdude swears I have nothing to worry about what so ever, was Chipmunk showed up at tryouts. (Remember my lovely friend Chipmunk Here & Here) But CD says not only did he not have a glove, was in shorts, he really couldn't run or catch ball. But even so don't want a fly of a distraction. Which is my guess. There have been a couple distractions buzzing around him lately. Momma Bear may need to get out her fly swatter and get'um. LOL
I am really happy for him. It actually eased my anxiety. As I was running on so much adrenaline yesterday I thought I would have a heart attack. Today was better. I thought about him about the time school got out, but since he was so cool and collected yesterday I didn't give much thought. :)
Today it hit 45 so they went out. Out makes me more happy. IMO you can not judge anyone throwing or hitting abilities in a gym. IMO. But Catcher Dudes Dad says if your a good hitter, gym or no gym they can tell. CD was just as happy with his performance today was y/day. Even more so I think. He really is enjoying himself. But he did tell me not to kid myself he still will sleep and breathe easier when this is all over.
So 2 days down.
1 comment:
That is AWESOME! He knows what he is capable of and he can recognize ability as well. I have fingers crossed on one hand, though unnecessary because I'm pretty optimistically sure he is one of those DEFINITE FOUR.
:-) Ah, taking pride in our children, wanting them to succeed but the pressures of the things we can not control nor do for them.... It's all up to him Mama Bear...
He's almost a Man... [GASP]! Happy Thursday!
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