What Catcherdude has been working his tail off the past 4 years. Tryouts for High School baseball. Tryouts start tomorrow afternoon. They last all week. He finishes up all his lessons, workouts, etc tonight at 8pm. After that nadda until High School practices & games. So if this doesn't happen, *gulp* long time until he sees any ball. Though really? If he doesn't make this team, I am sure this will be the end of him playing. He won't continue on. Least not in the capacity he has been playing. So really this is make it or break it time.
Looks like the weather didn't side with him either. It is not going to permit them out. All the snow just didn't go away fast enough and dry grounds and warmer temps didn't come either. So not sure how well kid will shine in a gym. But gotta make do with what you have.
I will be sitting on pins and needles all week. I think I am secretly taking this the worse than everyone in this house. There is so much time, money, and energy invested into him. I know he has sacrificed a lot. But so have I (we). :)
My heart has been racing all day, and we haven't gotten to the first day yet. 21 more hours and counting until the first of 5 days of tryouts. *sigh* I just might have a heart attack BEFORE day one gets here.
All I could dream about last night was that. I would wake up and tell myself to knock it off. But then back I would go. Some were good, but some well we won't talk about those. LOL.
But wouldn't you figure .. he woke this morning with running eyes and sniffies. He can not .. can not .. CAN NOT get sick. One miss day and *poof* 4 years down drain. *sigh* talk about stress in this house this evening. I am pumping fluids, meds, you name it, in him, on him, what ever it takes. I will mask any fever I have to in the a.m. :) But hopefully it will not come to this.
I am now off to make sure all final things are done and square. All purchases are finished. (least i hope so) Just need to make sure all paper work is together, and all baseball clothing is clean and ready.
Now just to find things to keep me busy and mind off this week. *crossing fingers* week goes fast. *breathe* momma .. breathe. LOL
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
This is the thing you go to his Pediatrician or MD for. This is a make-it or break-it 4 years invested moment.
It being an indoor venue? Phewy. He HAS Baseball. He has LIVED, SWEATED, and BREATHES baseball.
As have you.
I'd have him in the office at doors open tomorrow and stress to the wait staff and nurses and have him a good dose of steroid or whatever he needs.
This is high-school, scholarship to college, future serious.
I'm with you. They help students, athletes, and the masses when called for. You go in there and demand something to help him not under perform simply because 'the devil sent him ill at the worst possible time.'
That's my vote. He can do it. You are his biggest backer. Y'all go! I'm super pumped for this for y'all!
GO BBMOM AND CATCHER DUDE! Stupid illness, fly far-far away!!!!
he can do this -- you can do this -- we can do this!! crossing my fingers - toes - and ankles :) i will say a prayer for him in the morning :)
go boy!! get er done!!
love you!!
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