Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Toss Up

Well I certainly have been lagging in the update department. But really do I want to post yet another update about baseball? Really hasn't changed. Still losing and winning. Still catching. Still hitting, but can not find a hole to make it through. Catcherdude did hit his first Home Run (this season) on Friday. He would like to see more RBI's (Runs Batted In) but he bats 1st. So those are not likely to fall in his lap as often as others. His batting AVG is down. He is at 52 SB (Stolen Bases) now, but seeing how can not make it on base now, his goal may just be out of reach. But we will see. He did tear the sh!t out of his knee sliding into second Sunday night. I am sure he will continue to re-open it from now until baseball stops. I keep it moist with Neosporin. Last night and tonight's games are cancelled. So that helps some as well. *Crossing Fingers* he doesn't keep hurting it to where he can not play as it hurts to bad. (SEE FIELD MAINTENANCE!! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO NOT SERVICE THE FIELDS AND DRAG THEM??? HARD ASS GROUND TO TEAR KNEES UP!!)

Let's see ... what else?

Hubby and I stole a rare moment away on Friday. Just him & I went down to our local downtown Farmer's Market. I was looking for a certain type of grape I LOVE. Not knowing the name was hard to locate. My grandfather grew them. I would sit in the field all the time (only grandchild out of 30+ allowed to *smile*) and eat the right off the vine. You would think my mother would know the name of them. Seeing it was her father. LOL. But Oh well. This vendor seem to think he knew what I spoke of and they are not in season yet. So I will try again later. But I did walk away with a bundle of goodies. 4# green beans, 4# B size potatoes, a large watermelon, a whole pineapple, and avocado's. Afterwards we went to a local restaurant. Not a great pick. Live and learn.

Sunday I fixed up the green beans, potatoes, and bacon in a pot. Yum! Yum! I have been snacking on them all week. Plus the watermelon. I think I may turn green or red. LOL.

Also ...

Catcherdude is driving me crazy with his sleeping. He will sleep 24/7. I swear. Doesn't matter if I go wake him, if I am lucky enough to get him up, I will just later find his sacked out somewhere else. I finally got him up this morning and we went to the movies this a.m. They have free movie series during the summer. Today was American Girl Movie, or Madagascar II. We went for the Madagascar one. But we were not home an hour and he was sound asleep. Still is matter of fact.

Then there is .....


I know there was more I was going to discuss, rant, chat about but drawing a blank. Hmmmm ...

Oh well guess that will have to be it for todays ramble.

Baseball Mom


Emily said...

I love going to the Farmer's Market. Sounds like you got a good selection of veggies and fruits.

Tanya said...

I can't believe our blogs have not crossed paths before. I am a baseball mom of a 13 year old on a travel team. I am sure we could share some stories. :)

I have bookmarked your blog and plan to visit often.

Shoot me an e-mail and I will share my blog info with you.

baseballmom said...

Have you had him checked for mono? My older son had it when he was like 10 and that's all he wanted to do was sleep. Our friends' son recently had it too, at 17. Maybe worth a check?