A while back I followed Farmer's Wife & Gary over to a parenting site Roots & Sprouts.
There are some really good articles over there. There are new ones weekly. Right now there is one for teens.
Perplexing Puberty and Raging Hormones: How You Can Help Your Tween Understand What is Going On with Her Body
How about: Cultivating Responsibility with Freedom and Choices
There are several categories. To meet the needs of plenty.
Moms & Dads
Parents are the root of their children’s lives, and articles published within the Moms & Dads category of Root & Sprout are written with parents in mind.
Articles published within the Seeds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents-to-be or parents of children up to 2 years of age.
Articles published within the Shoots category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of preschool-aged children, typically 3 to 5 years of age.
Articles published within the Buds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of elementary-school aged children, typically 3 to 10 years of age.
Articles published within the Blossoms category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of tweens and teens, typically 9 to 18 years of age.
Then you have Grow Together is the social-networking site, in conjunction with the Root & Sprout parenting resource website, where moms and dads can meet with other members who believe the relationship between parent and child is one that grows through mutual love and respect.
There are groups of plenty to join in on. From Recipe Corner to Books to Lunchbox Challenge to Parents of Multiples to Wildflowers (Help, support, and advice for parents with children with special needs) to Frugal Tips to many more .... Plus you don't see a group for your wants/needs/liking you can start one right up!!
This is really a great source of resources. Plus if you just wanna vent, there is always a friendly person to understand right where you are coming from. We have all been there, at least one if not more in our parenting life.
So if it tickles your fancy, or even if it doesn't just least stop by once and see. You just never know what you might come across that will help you out, give you a giggle, or what not.
Hope to see some new faces soon. :)
*note most of the details of groups, categories, etc .. was copied from Root & Sprout and/or Grow Together directly. I am not swiping or stealing their wording. So I am giving them their props right here and now.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
How Sweet! Awesome shout out! You rock! :-)
And, the Mac-and-Cheese-Soup! Whoop!
Thanks so much for the kind words regarding Root & Sprout and Grow Together!
Lis lives nearby and has gotten a lot of my pots, that is for sure...
Gary & Lis - How did I not know this before. I never put the two together. How funny. :)
I had to *giggle* I left off the "s" in pots and thought wow! Gary does more than pottery. *giggle, snort*
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