Well what a way to ruin a mood. This rain is the pits! I
UGH! I get so flush straighted at this. Same cycle every year.
The tournament re-schedule for today from last Sunday is CANCELLED. So the boys will take second place in this tournament and will receive trophies. So least they walked away with something after all the PITA weather.
There is less than a week until out of town tournament. Looks like mom will stay on the DL and have to camp out at home. I am really bummed out. I thought I would be feeling better than this 3 weeks out. Oh Well. What can you do?
On the slim to none chance I will go with them the boys are going to have to kick it into gear and get the house back in order. I am not having someone come in to care for Dakota (our dog) and the house upside down.
I did something I usually do not do the other day. I bought a book. Usually I just request at library and wait. But I really am bored. (Though since then I have learned a lil about Twittering and I can use catcherdudes ipod from bed) So I had Catcher Dude run into Books-A-Million and purchase Safe at Home: Confessions of a Baseball Fanatic so far it is really good. I was not aware Alyssa Milano is such a baseball fanatic. Her new clothing line is really nice to. So anyway we shall see. Only about 25 pages in (thanks Twitter! lol) but I like what I have read so far.
Okay time to switch positions again.
Baseball Mom
Rain ruins everything doesn't it? Sorry the tournament got canceled.
Horrible SNOWY weather here!
I am hopeful that you and us get something warmer and drier soon.
And thanks for the tip on the book, yay!
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