Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why did you stop!

So after a quiet evening of just hanging out. Getting our nightly reading and crocheting in. Little TV time. Just the nice norm I tend to enjoy after mad running for so many days in a row. So after all that Catcher Dude comes sits next to me and so ever so quietly asks ...

CD: "Mom? Are you mad at me?"
Stunned I replied, "Well of course not! (but thinking, why should I be? lol) Why would you ask that?"
CD: "Because, after all these years, the past 2 weeks you have not sent me off to school with your normal farewell greeting."
Me: "What? My farewell .. what in the curve ball are you talking about kiddo?" At this point I am thinking what in the world is this child been drinking? Is the cough medicine gone? Farmer*s Wife leave her wine out?

CD: "MOM! For as long as I can remember .. *pause* You have always stood at that door (pointing to the front door) and said the same thing day after day ..

"I Love you. Make good choices, use kind words. See you this afternoon."

Then it hit me! Doh! It had been such a habit! I didn't even realize I still said it. Much less .. HE WAS STILL LISTENING!!

CD: "I thought maybe you were mad. My days are just not the same." with the most sadden eyes.

I felt horrible. Who knew? My 13 year old was really still hearing me. But really I didn't have an answer why I had not sent him off that way. But I do remember a couple weeks ago him biting my head off standing there with my PJ's on and kids seeing me. I remember thinking then to stay away from the door. But I guess it was not staying away from the door and seeing him off he wanted to stop. It really was just the PJ thing!! *giggle*

I have to say I really love those mommy moments when it hits you like a 90 mile an hour fast ball to the head .. they really do hear you. You really are making a difference. Your not 1/2 bad at this mom thing. *smile*

So I will make sure I am at that door in the a.m, dressed from head to toe, and sending him off.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

Oh! :)

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

AWWWW, Super Sweet! Right? We think sometimes that they aren't even paying us any attention. But, then the suddenly quote you or inquire and it hits home -- they ARE listening and absorbing.

I always tell my children, "We Rock and we Rule 'cuz we're?" And, they shout out, "WINNERS!!!"

It's our Mantra. I came up with it extemporaneously one day when they were using the term "stupid" in reference to one another.

Happy Parenting! ;-)

Just Me said...

Now that is a cool mantra.

Happy Parenting, back at cha!! ;-)