Then though I am still not feeling all that well, guess I am going to have to see another dr. [why do i feel this is the start of old age setting in .. and just the START of seeing DRs on a regular bases again?] I rocked getting things done around here today. That honey dew list I had a couple weekends ago:
Hang Molina picture that CD got for Christmas 2007.Post the NO TRESPASSING signs we got for the fencesMove hutch from basement- Work on putting the basement back together from flooding in April/May
- Hang bikes up in garage
Plus a few extras:
Replace bug stripping on backdoorClean out gutters [front & back]Cut Grass [hopefully last time this year
Was completed today by my rockin' DH & DS. While I rocked out some chores of my own in the house:
- I got all the beds striped, washed, rotated, and remade.
- I found my bedroom, floor and all.
- Knocked out some of the mounds of laundry
- Drained, took apart and cleaned real well that nasty, dang Fry Daddy.
I will say I found an awesome thing to clean that oily mess. I don't know what made me grab that Cascade and dump that and water in the sink, but I did. Then I let all the pieces soak while I was waiting for the dishwasher to finish up the load so I could put all the pieces in there. But that came cleaner than it has all the times I have cleaned, scrubbed and elbow greased that darn thing. It is soaking once more for the evening and I will run though washer in morning. Yah!me!
Now I am sitting here after a nice long bath with my wine. I am off to bed soon. The kid and DH left here around 6:30 for dinner and still have not returned. Hmmm.. Oh well they can always use some kid and dad time. I am off to find something to watch off the DVR and hopefully sleep will come soon. I am sure I was not supose to mix wine and meds, ooops!
Don't for get ..
It's time once again for time to fall back. Daylight savings time will end Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 AM. Don't forget to set back the clocks Saturday night when you go to bed.
Everyone also needs to remember to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Doing so could save your life or the life of someone you love. Remind your family and friends.
If you notice that new lil gadget over there to the right. At the top.
I decided to that the plunge and do the 30 posts in 30 days. What a neat way to start off the month. Joining the National Blog Posting Month-30 posts in 30 days.
I hope I can do it because I'm hoping for more discipline for writing. Though these are our slower months around here with activities and to-do things. So we will see.
piece of cake, you'll do wonderfully!
One down? 20 plus one or minus one to go!!
Way to rock your day! Yum, the sense of accomplishment!
Happy Sunday! Happy November!
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