Tuesday, December 11, 2007

To do list

I really want to start getting things done during the day. I seem to waste so much time, and next thing I know it is 12:30, kid on his way home in little over hour, I have to deposit dad dude at his ride, and nothing gets done.

Now back in Jan '06 I had posted goals for the week and would cross off as I went. Well I think I will start with goals for the day. Now my eyes may be bigger than possible, but we will see how it goes.

So goals today 12/11

Make Margie's Carmel Pecan Rolls for the PTSA meeting tonight
2 loads of laundry
pick up Christmas pictures
pick up new piece for catcher dudes catcher helmet (Actually DH went and did this for me)
go to post office to mail Ornament Swaps
go to bank to deposit money in baseball account

So let's see if I can get these items done. All the while toting infant, toddler, and getting dad dude at his drop off @ 12:30.

Well it is now 3:32 and I did all I can do today. But I really need to hit the post office tomorrow. This is a must do. Now cooking the rolls, and dinner for catcher dude and getting ready for PTSA. I still have to shower and get things together, check time, etc.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

I was doing really good about to do lists but have slacked off the last few days.

I'm sorry about all the drama on the list. I just let my anger get the best of me. Perhaps #1 tomorrow should be "count to 10 before reacting." LOL