Friday, November 30, 2007

A year? Already?

Nov 30, 2006

It will be a year ago tonight when the lights when out in Georgia the city. The big ice storm hit here. Branches falling taking out back half (kids room) of house.

As luck would have it, they are calling for rain/sleet later into the evening. I am very concerned that a repeat is coming. Now I am not a total fool. I know the trees have all since been removed and there isn't anything left back there to fall. Well but if I really look the neighbors tree has a branch that could in fact break off and just slightly either clip the electric line or just slightly miss it. Then there is the tree in front. So it is a good fact it could take out the front of house. This time my bedroom and in fact me. My bed is on that wall of the house thank you.

So I really should not be worrying about the date. But tell that to my inner voice.

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