Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day In The Life

I've never done one of these, so I'm going to give it a shot. I saw this on The Adventures of the Headless Family.

3:00 Woke up starving, tried to ignore and go back to sleep
3:35 Gave up ~ went to kitchen had a bowl cereal.
4:00 Tried to go back to sleep. Watched Good Wife & Doogie Howser.
4:45 Said Screw it, got up got dressed
5:02 Started writing this post
5:10 Put clean dishes away in dishwasher/reload dishwasher
5:30 check emails
5:35 CDD gets home
5:36 Talk to him for a bit while I pick stuff up around living room
5:45 Take Dakota out to pee wiping up blood drips as we go
5:52 Call into CD to start getting up
5:55 Log into Facebook (Farmville actually)
6:01 Go in to get CD up
6:02 Taking his temp
6:03 Fever 101.3
6:05 Start fighting with CD & CDD that he can not go to school
6:10 Lost fight.
6:14 Finally get CD to take some medicine and eat something
6:21 FINALLY pulled CD away from hockey game CDD & him are watching
6:35 Start Dishwasher
6:44 Leaving to drop CD off at school
6:57 Drop CD off
6:59 Return checked out items to library
7:10 Arrive back home - sat down to watch last of AI with CDD before he goes off to bed for the day
7:27 Take out Ground Beef for CD's Sloppy Joe's tonight's dinner
7:29 Pour Cranberry Juice and go back to reading Google Reader, Facebook, blogs, and emails.
8:14 Go start load of laundry
8:20 Back to Farmville
8:45 Decided hungry again, made Cinnamon Rolls
8:50 Change laundry around, realizing there is blood all over CD's white short (from the dog) CRAP! Treated washing again.
9:15 Eat Cinnamon Rolls while watching Hellcats
9:30 More laundry .. still trying to get blood out ..
10:00 Folding and finishing up Hellcats
10:15-11:30 Talk to mom on phone
11:45 Hang up more laundry, put away clothes
12:10 Laid back down
2:15 CDD & I got up.
2:30 Made lunch for CDD & watched TV together
3:15 Make CDD lunch/dinner to take to work.
3:30 Leave to take CDD to catch his ride to work
4:00 Back Home. Check Emails, Facebook, Farmville
4:20 Start frying hamburger meat for sloppy Joes for CD.
5:00 Dinner completed. Dishes put away in dishwasher. Started reloading
5:20 Leave to pick up CD from after school. Third day of baseball tryouts
5:45 Serve up dinner for CD
6:37 CD shower, Back to laundry have to wash & dry baseball clothes for yet another day of tryouts tomorrow.
7:15 Back to email, Farmville
8:19 Baseball clothes in dryer
8:23 Throw remaining dishes in washer
8:45 Change into PJ's going to watch TV until fall sleep ..

Okay so that is about a typical day. Actually a earlier nite than usual for (1)CD is in middle tryouts so no extra activities to do. (2)CD is not feeling well and tired from all the workouts this week.

This was actually a PITA to do. I almost quit mid-day. ha!

Baseball Mom
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I can't find my blog said...

Glad you did it!

Hey! That's a lot of laundry for 3 people!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

ROFL! But, it does give an accounting in how your day is spent and it does make you feel accomplished when you check through the list.

You are like me, laundry is a constant around here.