Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last Week

This is the last (full) week of school. The kids do have to go next M, T, W but they are just 1/2 days. They just go take final in class and come home. So really this is the last week. Last days to walk the halls for this school year.

Last days of Freshman year ...

It has been so stressful around here lately with not getting in bed early enough, not wanting to get up, last minute assignments, projects, procrastinating doing such assignments, projects, rain outs of ball games, etc. etc. The list goes on and on.

I have been screaming from the roof tops, "I can not wait until this school year is over!!"

But then I typed those words this morning on FB.

Last days of Freshman year ...

My breathe literaly was knocked out of me. This is it. It's over. (well almost) One year down in High School. 3 more to go. Where did the year go? Cross Country seems like so long ago. Another time. Baseball? We blinked and the season was over. *shaking head* I am not even sure the school went by slow enough for CD to enjoy his first year of HS. LOL

Though Freshman was good, okay. I really hope Sophmore year brings better times for all involved.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.


I can't find my blog said...

It will absolutely get better. Although, my girl's sophomore year wasn't great, but that was because of personal/family reasons and had nothing to do with school or school activities.

Enjoy your summer!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I can hardly believe it! I'm personally thrilled to be completing Second Grade (second time around, LOL).

But, I remember when Catcher Dude started his freshman year! And, now it is over. OMG!!!!

L-I-S, I can hardly believe it!!!!