Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Findings.

Well busy week here. We are getting bids for a new kitchen floor so we have had people in and out all week. Looks like we have settled for a company and they will be coming when kid is on spring break. I am so happy!! The floor has needed to be replaced since we moved in '99.

Also the insurance adjuster came out for the hail damage. We will be getting a new roof this spring. Along with new screens and window trim. The landscaping lights will all need to be replaced as well. So this spring should be a busy one.

Hubby has rode his new bike to and from work the past two days. That is awesome he is trying to get fit!! I am proud of him.

Kid has had a better week this week. Not so stressfull. They had D.A.R.E. graduation Wednesday. It was fun. Kids essay was not picked as a winner. The winning essay was nice. I can not wait to see and read kids. Anything he manages to write more than 2 sentences is a big accomplishment. *Applaud* I ordered him a special treat for his essay, and trying his best. He tries very hard to over come his language delay. So I always try to boast when he writes anything of length. *Smile*

D.A.R.E. Graduates.

Yesterday was a very good day for him. He got 21/20 spelling words (getting the bonus as well) He worked hard!!

This weekend is a simple one. Basketball Game on Saturday. Birthday Party for Kayla on Sunday.

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