Friday, November 12, 2010

The Catcher Report

The Catcher Report

Wow! Another Friday here, and what a beautiful one it is!! The weather lately has been great. Been in upper 70's. Not the normal for November, but great none the less. Haven't needed the POS heat we have installed now. FYI - 98% energy efficient means .. you freeze IMO.

This past week has been insane! Insane!! I would have never booked our weeks like this. But leave it up to Catcherdude to be in charge and he has us running around like crazy! There is no room for error. To get his community service hours in and over he choose to manage the girls V Basketball team. But this means him once again getting home at 5:30. To turn around and be at the cages by 6, to not get back home until some where between 8-9. To go to bed, to turn around and do it all over again.

Though already a snag was hit, and he is in a scheduling snag foo. He was under assumption the games were after school, umm nope mostly 7-8 in evening. So that BIG time interferes with catching the pitchers. Plus they are close to getting rid of the other kid that does it, and if that happens, CD is all they have and he has to fill those slots to.

All I can say .. GOOD LUCK CD! lol.

CD is running in a race on Saturday. XC ends and he still is running. But I am almost betting he doesn't sign up for more as time is not his friend right now.

To add to mixture CDD has hit that time of year when his hours bounce all over the board. On days, nights, splits, oy! Because as every year their boss lets to many people off and then has to fill in gaps. Here is an idea .. all vacation must be in and used before Oct 31. Yeh, I say that cuz he can't ever use any during holidays as others get top choice. lol. He was off yesterday so he could go to the Predators game with CD. But today & Monday he is working 5a-3:30p. To then turn around and work normal shift T-TH.

As the year end draws closer I am not sure how much I will be around. It is crazy busy already and haven't hit the holidays. Though I am ready to start pulling out all the decorations. lol. Yeah I know. I have a post I made about this subject I need to finish up. We also have trips coming up as well. No School Days. Why did I do this? Oh that is right. I have a teenager. lol.

Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Well pop in a little to keep us up to date; and, pics of the decorations up would be fun too!

Okay, back to your whirlwind now!