Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day Seven Six {Your best friend}

Your Best Friend
(Another toughie for me .. )

I can not really say I have a "best friend" ..
I had a couple close friends before I was married and moved away ..
I used to tend to be friends more with males than females
and well that really didn't work in our relationship prior to marriage
(now he could careless who I am or am not friends with)
but we grew apart ..

After having my son I became really close friends with J, she lived across the street from my mom and also happen to have a baby girl exactly 1 week before I had my son. We had lots in common and spent lots of time together. We would take the kids to lots of places, talked all the time. But the kids grew up, we moved, they moved,she went on to have 2 more children. We stay in contact but not the same ..

I have a few friends through the Internet ..
A couple I have actually met ..
A couple I wish to someday really meet ..
None the less they all have a special place in my heart.

But after I really thought about this .. the one person who kept popping up in my head, the one I couldn't shake as fitting the definition ..

My Son ..
We really are close.
We have always done so much together.
We are always together.
(Yeah it has slowed some, but not much since becoming a teenager)
We still watch certain shows together every week, no fail.
We laugh at the dumbest jokes.
We share secrets together.
He really is a great kid.
I couldn't imagine being close friends with anyone else.


(Actually this wasn't as tough after I really thought about it .. )

Baseball Mom
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