Monday, August 30, 2010

"Not Me!" Monday

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It has been ages since I did a not me Monday. But I thought it would be better than what I had planned.

Because I certainly did not spend all morning writing a blog post ranting about CDD's father. I am not guilty of even trashing my own child in this blog post. Nope! I did not do that. I did not throw a fit when Catcherdude loaned FIL the money to bail his ass out of trouble yet again, even though we haven't heard from him in over 6 months. No! I was perfectly fine CD handing over $500 to the man who wanted him dead. Yeah! Not Me!

I also did not spend all of yesterday cleaning up and doing everyone's laundry but CDD's, because he yet again left them where they are not to be. Nope Not Me! No, I wouldn't leave him with no clean clothes for work this week. Forcing him to be up now doing his laundry. *smile*

I am not dragging my feet to get CD back to TKD because I have liked sitting around and not playing chauffeur. Nope! Not Me!

Thursday I did not have my hair cut and changed the color. Nope! Not Me! So as that no one noticed. That is how much people pay attention in this house.

Also, I am certainly not jumping for joy that I do not have to drive CDD the next 2 weeks to his ride. No I really enjoy chauffeuring him along with kid day in and day out. Nope! Not Me! Or the fact I am not sitting here counting the minutes until he walks out the door and I have the whole house to myself for the next 5 hours.

Lastly I did not drop the ball on the 120 mile challenge in 3 months. Nope! Not Me!. I did not do this.


Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Catcher Report ..

That title caught me last week and thought, hell why not. Use it again. :)


So now we have two full weeks of Sophomore year under way. I couldn't tell you anymore than I did last week about the comings and goings. Which I will not let sit idle another week. I haven't asked one question. Checked phone once. Looked on-line at grades. There is lax then there is lazy ass parent syndrome. So I will check-in soon.

Open House was last night. I know Catcher Dude was excited he had all female teachers. Because well frankly he can bat those hazel eyes and they give into him. This was proven last year. Over and Over. Well sorry to break it to you son, but your xxx teacher, yeah she is batting for the other team. So good luck batting eyes at her. :) Which really they need to stop giving into him.

Other than that they all seem fine. Just fine. None I would jump for joy and say she is a great person/teacher. He is in two aided classrooms. Which I was told by SSD that wouldn't happen due to funding. So okay. But then you did it anyway. Make up your minds already. There is one issue he does want addressed, so I will send an email to admins in the next couple weeks. You walk into one teachers room and you are knocked over by the smell of coffee. Oy! It is bad. Like coffee house x3. There is no reason to have 2 coffee pots and subjecting students to that smell.


XC last week's time trials went well. Out of 38 he placed 11. He wasn't happy with his time. But they were all on high side. It had rained the night before and wet, soggy, muddy, terrain isn't the best for running. The top runner on his team just is unbelievable. His time was 18:39, and that isn't his best record either. I really think he will beat the school record soon.


Been another quiet week at the Home Fields. Which is not the norm for around here. So I am not sure what is up with that, but will enjoy it while it lasts.

So that is all my ramble this Friday.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - XC Verison

Wordless Wednesday - XC Version

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not a good sign ..

When you get a call first thing Monday morning from your sons coach. No. It is not.

Apparently they weighed CD and in 6 days he lost 13 pounds. Oh yes. This does not surprise me. Not like this exact thing didn't happen last year. Then the questions start. Did he increase his calories? Is he eating the proper things? Was I aware? This is not good for baseball. On and on.

We can not force feed this kid. We do feed him. Have the increase of grocery bill to back that one up. But it looks like XC is just something he should not do. Because it isn't good for baseball. So why doesn't the coach do something about it? He is in fact the BASEBALL COACH!! You can not have it both ways. You can not have him running XC because he is a good runner, but bitch stress how it is not good for baseball & his catching.

It's not like it makes me happy either. Think I like having school bitch that his pants are "saggin"? That he can not find clothes to fit? That he looks like we are starving him and you can count each and everyone of his ribs? That we then have to make him run with his shirt on (which he HATES)

YES!! I am so excited it has started all over again. YES! This conversation just made my day. Oy!! For this coach to be so smart, to be an excellent coach, to have coached some of the top athletes, he can be so ignorant. PLUS why are you weighing my son when he should be in History class? *tapping foot*

Meanwhile, I want to know where he gets it from? Me? His Dad? Umm, I don't think so. I want to drop weight like that. :) If running does that then sign me up. Umm scratch that. I am not that dumb. :)

So here is to another long XC year of fighting to keep the weight ON. To everyone telling me I am not doing my job as his mother. Yeap! I love it!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Catcher Report ..

This week was the first week of school, and for the first time in 11 years I could tell you nothing about it. Good, bad, indifferent, that is just how it is. Seems for right now I have let go. I didn't insist I go pick him up everyday after practice. (so as to drill him .. got everything, books, homework, running stuff, etc, etc) I didn't call out as getting out of the car in the morning. (have your stuff, don't forget blah & blah) He either did his work, or he didn't I let it go. I am very impressed. I did well. *self pat on back*


XC is in full swing. Meets start Saturday. CD is really excited about this upcoming season. On one hand I am, but on the other. Well we all know what happen last season. (HERE & HERE) Now do I believe these boys are dumb enough for a repeat, NO! But really it never blew over that CD had nothing to do with it all. Well, he (nor I) had nothing to do with the email. It is just hard to let it go (for me) as they really made his freshman year a little more saucy than necessary.

Plus I was told right at the end of school by a few parents the parties that were guilty for the letter was bragging how she planned it the way she did to make us, Catcherdude and I, look like the guilty party. Hmmm really? Let's just say this mamma better stay away from me at the meets. There is 3.1 miles of ground. Go find some NOT next to me. :)


Tryout will resume this Sunday for Summer 2011 Baseball. His finger is still giving him fits. So I hope this is not putting his chances in danger. But really? He broke the thing playing for you. You should take that into consideration. Butts! This week & next then they will make their selections.


Finally last item, and my ramble is done. This past weekend we had to replace the entire furnace and air conditioning system in the house. Oh not what I was planning for the money. But hopefully this will help with lots of things.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wedneday ..

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ..



Okay so I lied .. it is not Wednesday Wordless. I "apparently" took this photo, and do not remember when. I have no clue. For what purpose? When? Nope no clue. Baseball Mom probably needs to stop hitting the bottle get a better memory.

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One Of Our Own (Borrowed Post)

Dana over @ Amid Life's Crises Recently did a blog about Boo (formerly Boo(duh)) - a fellow parent, blogger and HNT-er - a dear friend of hers years before blogging - shared some shattering news.

Her (Boo) short, but poignant post read:


On Monday July 19, there was a fire at my ex's home. We lost Moo and D'oh. Deedles is my hero, because she got Ganigan, Beans, and herself out of the house. She did everything right. I'll tell the full story later. Right now, I have too much to do and think about.

I lost my babies.


Here is the news story 2 Children Found Dead after Fire

I can not imagine this type of loss. I wish no parent would know this type of loss. this just break my heart. As I am sure it does many.

If you could please hop on over to Dana's Blog Post she talks more in length about this and also is trying to help Boo & the family out. (CLICK HERE)

Thanks so much!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dentist, and Doctor, and doctor again .. OH MY!!

So Catcherdude had a dentist appointment for cleaning & Checkup at Sports Medicine Pediatric Orthopedic Dr. for his broken finger today. What I thought to be 2 easy-peasey stops turned into more drama and $ than I wanted.

First stop was the dentist. I love his Pediatric Dentist. CD has go here since he was 2.5-3 yrs old. It is the most kid-friendly dentist office I have seen.
Mr. Spiderman here is planted on the ceiling in the lobby to greet all his lil clients. There are many other characters all over the office to meet and greet. Even sports rooms. It really is a cool place, I wish I had a dentist office like this as a child, maybe I wouldn't hate dentists as much.

So CD & his pearly whites pass all inspections. No cavities. Everything looking well expect one expensive as hell minor problem. His bottom row is over crowded and need braces soon as I rob a bank can swing it. Great! There goes the tax return in February. There goes my cruise money. Oh well. Not his fault. But he does take all the other monies in house. (ie .. baseball .. baseball ..)

So then we move on to the next appointment. Time to see if all is free and clear with the digit. Has the broken bone healed enough? Will he get his pass off the DL and onto the field? Well it is still chipped/broke. But the DR doesn't believe the chip will reattach itself. Says it happens sometimes. Even some pro players will still have the chip broke off. Which means anytime he now has that hand/finger x-rayed it will show it was broken at some point.

So if he can play pain free .. then go for it. He still needs to buddy tape it more often than what he was the last few weeks, but other than that he gets a .....

So that is good. But then CD springs on a new little surprise. He's had this "bump" on his heal for a while and it is still hurting and he can't really run and well you know Cross Country for the HS starts week after next. (Why does he spring things on us so last minute??? TEENS!?!) So Doctor looks at it Oh its a Planter's Wart. *rolling eyes* You neither need to go to your primary Pediatrician or a dermatologist. GREAT!!

Oh lovely! He has had warts treated before, they do not budge. If he can not run with this on his heal, there went the season. I made calls after calls trying to get him into a specialist BEFORE season starts, heck I couldn't get him in BEFORE September. He (as well as I) wanted this treated aggressively. Well ended up at Pediatrician. More money to yet another doctor in one day. *sigh* Come to find out they will only freeze them now anyway. Having it surgically removed isn't an option.

So he froze it & sent us on our way. Crossing fingers this will work. Though not hopeful. Didn't work in fingers, probably won't on foot/heel. All we can do is wait and see .. plus tomorrow start duct taping it.

But HELLO! Weeks?!? We could have been fighting this earlier, and now 12 days before XC starts you mention this? Dumb Ass!!

As stated before .. Dentist, doctor, and doctor .. OHHH MYYYY!!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's that time of year ...

Ah Yes, the wonderful time of year where the school and all the school activities have their hands out. Yes! Definitely my favorite time of year.

Now don't get wrong I know the fees can be more. I have read different blogs stating what other parents are forking out. So I do feel lucky in that sense. But really school, it is 13 more days til the first bell and you are driving me crazy.

Volunteer here, sign-up here. $5 here, $35 there. It is an on going battle. Plus the backpacks, clothes, school supplies, you name it they have it. You don't think you need it, want it .. You do .. you really do. The school will tell you so, and don't you know if the school says it .. It's true. haha

It is just insane. I really thought I had prepared ahead this year. Slotting money away here and there. Yeah! Right! Haven't even reached first day yet and that is gone. But least I can plan some ahead for the upcoming first weeks.

Knowing that in the first couple weeks there will be more supplies, more "must have" request from teachers, and all the apparel for Cross Country. (Because don't you know you can not wear same hoodie & t-shirt from the year before. ) It just seems to not end.

But really I wouldn't change a thing. Soon enough there will be a U-Haul backed in the driveway to take him to where ever his heart desires. Until then .... where do I send the next check?

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles,all rights reserved.