Thursday, May 20, 2010

10 on Thursday - "D"

Starting back on my 10 on Tuesday, that will now be 10 on Thursday. As before am going to post 10 things I am grateful for in no particular order all starting with the letter "D".

1. Dogs - I love my doggie. Dakota!! He lightens up our lives. Poor lil guy is starting to show age. But he still is great!!

2. December- I love December because this month holds my very favorite holiday... Christmas!!!

3. Dessert- The word alone explains itself!

4. Defrost button- I would really be in a pickle sometimes without the wonderful Defrost button on my microwave. Saves me more than I like to admit.

5. Dating- Who doesn't love to go on dates? I enjoy the times me and my husband get to go out, just the two of us, and spend some time with one another.

6. Daughter- I am a daughter. I love being the oldest.

7. Dinner- I love dinner and I love it more when its spent with family.

8. Dairy- I love dairy products. Not a big milk drinker. But cheese. Oh my!!

9. Department stores- I love to shop!!!

10. Diamonds - What woman doesn't like diamonds. ha ha!!

Baseball Mom
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1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Howdy! Guess who is here? Guess who is reading your blog?

It's MEEEEEEEE! Finally, finding a wee bit of time around here!

School is almost OUT!!! Yippeeee!

Oh, great post BTW!