Well there has been no baseball and I still can not seem to come do any updates. Y/day catcherdude & I stole some fun time away. I took him to the amusement park. We only spent half a day there. But that was enough for me. It was fun hanging out with my teen and not having the famous "teen attitude" LOL. Though I sat more than I rode. It was HOT, oh Sh!t Hot. But it was fun. Then end of the night we were riding this one roller coaster over and over and had the whole train to ourselves. LOL. It was fun to just hang out and not be at baseball or him having this I have to act a certain way because I am a teenager butt. LOL
He even thanked me several times for bring him. :) It is even nicer to put up with unbearable conditions when you are appreciated and thanked without prompting. :)
Some how I do not believe the day will go as nice July 6 when I take my mother, niece, son, and a friend of his, all day. But we will see. Nice thing we got a room at the hotel next to the park. Mom or niece get out of hand I will banish them to their room. LOL.
Well looks like Catcherdude make plans to go back today so I need to boggie on outta here.
Happy Saturday!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
CONTINUED .. No time to Post
Seriously! Just when I have time to continue a post. (click title to see which post this continues from) I am already behind again. Summer has kicked in full gear. We have not seen 80's in days now. (well maybe in middle night, doesn;t count) So to catch up as much as I can.
I WON ... I WON .. The cool Estee Lauder bag I was trying to win @ Farmers Wife's Blog. I am so excited!! I really do not win things. So this is ubber scubber exciting for me. PLUS I promised FW that if I should win, I would make a vlog when it arrives. So stay tuned for that. :) Because I do make good onthreats promises.
Catcherdude got himself a stalker .. or so it seems to him. ROFL. There is a girl that basically he has grown up with. They have actually known each other since they were weeks old. Meeting first time on Mother's Day 1995. Up until the age 5 they were together all the time. After that we each bought houses on other side of town. So as time went on they seen less and less. So last Thursday we stopped by to see them we were in the neighborhood. It has been a couple years since really seeing each other. Well ... guess Miss E thinks Mister C is one hot HOTTY!! She has not stopped calling him, txting, facebooking (?? is that the term?) him.
CD doesn't know how to handle this. He seriously isn't looking for a gf. He has always liked her. He use to say they would be married. *giggle* But baseball now is his passion. He really hates we stopped in now. As he is afraid he will loss a good friend. Meanwhile .. *ding song* (sound of his phone going off for txt) never stops.
TG!! Her and her family is in & out of town with several vacations this summer. But she did get him nailed down to 4 different times to get together. Twice being his games. LOL. He has NEVER brought a GIRL to a game. Oh ... it has started. My High School er is beingstalked chased.
Then of course there is the topic that keeps me jumping all the time. The topic that I can ramble and ramble and still not really rambled on enough. LOL. Baseball. I was just looking at the calendar and believe it or not we are on the backside of season being almost completed.

He is actually not doing half bad. But there is much to improve on. Especially with High School Try-outs just around the corner. He better get to steppin' it up.
The heat right now is really testing him. They played Sunday in a tournament. Games were at 8 & Noon. When the started it was already H-O-T. By the noon game well over the 90 mark. Then you add heat index and humidity. Oy!! He actually caught the entire time of both games, all 16. 1 game was 7 innings. With the other going into 9 innings. They were tied at end of game minutes. So they went to this dumb a** thing to break the tie. Last Batted out goes to second. Continue with line up. Play until someone scores. What a PITA!!
Tonight's game is cancelled due to heat. Boy I bet the pros wish they could call their game on the account of heat. *rolling eyes* But I am sure it is for the best, though what is that really teaching the kids? *shrug*
Well I should move. I have plenty to get done. Catcherdude is out mowing now and it is already HOT! Hot! HOT! But he is keeping cool by frozen rags and powerade. But I still better go check on him.
Happy Tuesday!!
Baseball Mom
I WON ... I WON .. The cool Estee Lauder bag I was trying to win @ Farmers Wife's Blog. I am so excited!! I really do not win things. So this is ubber scubber exciting for me. PLUS I promised FW that if I should win, I would make a vlog when it arrives. So stay tuned for that. :) Because I do make good on
Catcherdude got himself a stalker .. or so it seems to him. ROFL. There is a girl that basically he has grown up with. They have actually known each other since they were weeks old. Meeting first time on Mother's Day 1995. Up until the age 5 they were together all the time. After that we each bought houses on other side of town. So as time went on they seen less and less. So last Thursday we stopped by to see them we were in the neighborhood. It has been a couple years since really seeing each other. Well ... guess Miss E thinks Mister C is one hot HOTTY!! She has not stopped calling him, txting, facebooking (?? is that the term?) him.
CD doesn't know how to handle this. He seriously isn't looking for a gf. He has always liked her. He use to say they would be married. *giggle* But baseball now is his passion. He really hates we stopped in now. As he is afraid he will loss a good friend. Meanwhile .. *ding song* (sound of his phone going off for txt) never stops.
TG!! Her and her family is in & out of town with several vacations this summer. But she did get him nailed down to 4 different times to get together. Twice being his games. LOL. He has NEVER brought a GIRL to a game. Oh ... it has started. My High School er is being
Then of course there is the topic that keeps me jumping all the time. The topic that I can ramble and ramble and still not really rambled on enough. LOL. Baseball. I was just looking at the calendar and believe it or not we are on the backside of season being almost completed.

He is actually not doing half bad. But there is much to improve on. Especially with High School Try-outs just around the corner. He better get to steppin' it up.
The heat right now is really testing him. They played Sunday in a tournament. Games were at 8 & Noon. When the started it was already H-O-T. By the noon game well over the 90 mark. Then you add heat index and humidity. Oy!! He actually caught the entire time of both games, all 16. 1 game was 7 innings. With the other going into 9 innings. They were tied at end of game minutes. So they went to this dumb a** thing to break the tie. Last Batted out goes to second. Continue with line up. Play until someone scores. What a PITA!!
Tonight's game is cancelled due to heat. Boy I bet the pros wish they could call their game on the account of heat. *rolling eyes* But I am sure it is for the best, though what is that really teaching the kids? *shrug*
Well I should move. I have plenty to get done. Catcherdude is out mowing now and it is already HOT! Hot! HOT! But he is keeping cool by frozen rags and powerade. But I still better go check on him.
Happy Tuesday!!
Baseball Mom
Sunday, June 21, 2009
No time to post
Is it me? Or is the summer flying by? I really want to update around here, but I am either gone or to FLIP FLOPPIN tired to post.
A couple teases ...

A couple teases ...
- I won
- Catcherdude went 3 for 5. 1 2B (Double), 3 BB (Walks), 2 SB (Stolen Bases), 2 RBI (Runs Batted In), & 2 R (Runs)
- Catcherdude has a girl stalker

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Getting Organized for Summer
Summer can be an unstructured and relaxing time, but that can also lead to more disorganization. Here are some tips for keeping things running smoothly:
~*~ This is my disclaimer .. I am only sharing, I am not claiming. This actually came from a cute lil blog Clear the Clutter. Please visit over there.~*~
I found several of these ideas insightful and helpful. Which reminded me about the bag I carry to all baseball games & practices. Everyone claims I have everything but the kitchen sink. But I feel it is important to be ready for as much as possible. Items I carrying are:
So there is my Organized forSummer Baseball bag. But I am still going to use some of these ideas above.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
- Keep travel-sized sunscreen and bug sprays in your car. That way you never are without it.
- Buy a mesh laundry bag at the dollar store. This is a great bag to tote beach gear/toys around in. Not only will it keep all your beach toys in one place, it is easy for transport and the mesh material allows sand to be shaken out at the beach (not inside your car).
- If you are out of school and at home with the kids for the summer, keep a schedule anyway. Pick a certain time each week for cleaning, one for errands, etc. Let the kids know that despite the laid back feel of summer, things still need to get done and post your schedule.
- Another idea is to post a list of jobs that need to be done and assign prices to them. Allow the kids to earn extra money throughout the week and then make time for a trip to the store to spend their earnings. This is a great thing to send the kids to when they whine about being bored.
- Right now is a great time to do a check of all summer equipment. Take a half hour to check all your equipment to make sure it is in good, safe, operating order. If it is not, get it fixed right away so that when you are ready for fun, your stuff is ready to go too.
- Set up a box in your garage or extra space. Make this your “donate/sell” box. As you go through summer, put anything that no longer fits, works or is used in that box. At the end of the season, take any summer items not used and include them in the box. If you didn’t use it this year, you most likely won’t next summer either. Lighten your load.
~*~ This is my disclaimer .. I am only sharing, I am not claiming. This actually came from a cute lil blog Clear the Clutter. Please visit over there.~*~
I found several of these ideas insightful and helpful. Which reminded me about the bag I carry to all baseball games & practices. Everyone claims I have everything but the kitchen sink. But I feel it is important to be ready for as much as possible. Items I carrying are:
- Sunscreen (spray & cream)
- Bug Spray
- disposable ice packs
- Icey Hot Patches & Cream
- Naproxen
- Antibacterial Hand spray
- Baby wipes
- Neosporin (the new Neo to go & cream)
- Ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen
- Band-aids (but I was out the other night and what a BAD MOMMY!! Catcherdude needed them bad .. tore mess out of knee sliding into second)
- Nail File & Nail Clippers
- 2 wrenches
- 2 screw drivers
- Battery Operated Pencil Sharpener
- Pencils
- of course my scorebook(I keep all of Catcherdudes stats for him, plus it helps me keep track of game, score,etc. Keeps my head in game not getting wrapped up in the mommy chatter)
So there is my Organized for
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Roots & Sprouts and Grow Together
A while back I followed Farmer's Wife & Gary over to a parenting site Roots & Sprouts.
There are some really good articles over there. There are new ones weekly. Right now there is one for teens.
Perplexing Puberty and Raging Hormones: How You Can Help Your Tween Understand What is Going On with Her Body
How about: Cultivating Responsibility with Freedom and Choices
There are several categories. To meet the needs of plenty.
Moms & Dads
Parents are the root of their children’s lives, and articles published within the Moms & Dads category of Root & Sprout are written with parents in mind.
Articles published within the Seeds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents-to-be or parents of children up to 2 years of age.
Articles published within the Shoots category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of preschool-aged children, typically 3 to 5 years of age.
Articles published within the Buds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of elementary-school aged children, typically 3 to 10 years of age.
Articles published within the Blossoms category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of tweens and teens, typically 9 to 18 years of age.
Then you have Grow Together is the social-networking site, in conjunction with the Root & Sprout parenting resource website, where moms and dads can meet with other members who believe the relationship between parent and child is one that grows through mutual love and respect.
There are groups of plenty to join in on. From Recipe Corner to Books to Lunchbox Challenge to Parents of Multiples to Wildflowers (Help, support, and advice for parents with children with special needs) to Frugal Tips to many more .... Plus you don't see a group for your wants/needs/liking you can start one right up!!
This is really a great source of resources. Plus if you just wanna vent, there is always a friendly person to understand right where you are coming from. We have all been there, at least one if not more in our parenting life.
So if it tickles your fancy, or even if it doesn't just least stop by once and see. You just never know what you might come across that will help you out, give you a giggle, or what not.
Hope to see some new faces soon. :)
*note most of the details of groups, categories, etc .. was copied from Root & Sprout and/or Grow Together directly. I am not swiping or stealing their wording. So I am giving them their props right here and now.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
There are some really good articles over there. There are new ones weekly. Right now there is one for teens.
Perplexing Puberty and Raging Hormones: How You Can Help Your Tween Understand What is Going On with Her Body
How about: Cultivating Responsibility with Freedom and Choices
There are several categories. To meet the needs of plenty.
Moms & Dads
Parents are the root of their children’s lives, and articles published within the Moms & Dads category of Root & Sprout are written with parents in mind.
Articles published within the Seeds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents-to-be or parents of children up to 2 years of age.
Articles published within the Shoots category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of preschool-aged children, typically 3 to 5 years of age.
Articles published within the Buds category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of elementary-school aged children, typically 3 to 10 years of age.
Articles published within the Blossoms category of Root & Sprout are written for parents of tweens and teens, typically 9 to 18 years of age.
Then you have Grow Together is the social-networking site, in conjunction with the Root & Sprout parenting resource website, where moms and dads can meet with other members who believe the relationship between parent and child is one that grows through mutual love and respect.
There are groups of plenty to join in on. From Recipe Corner to Books to Lunchbox Challenge to Parents of Multiples to Wildflowers (Help, support, and advice for parents with children with special needs) to Frugal Tips to many more .... Plus you don't see a group for your wants/needs/liking you can start one right up!!
This is really a great source of resources. Plus if you just wanna vent, there is always a friendly person to understand right where you are coming from. We have all been there, at least one if not more in our parenting life.
So if it tickles your fancy, or even if it doesn't just least stop by once and see. You just never know what you might come across that will help you out, give you a giggle, or what not.
Hope to see some new faces soon. :)
*note most of the details of groups, categories, etc .. was copied from Root & Sprout and/or Grow Together directly. I am not swiping or stealing their wording. So I am giving them their props right here and now.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday Toss Up
Well I certainly have been lagging in the update department. But really do I want to post yet another update about baseball? Really hasn't changed. Still losing and winning. Still catching. Still hitting, but can not find a hole to make it through. Catcherdude did hit his first Home Run (this season) on Friday. He would like to see more RBI's (Runs Batted In) but he bats 1st. So those are not likely to fall in his lap as often as others. His batting AVG is down. He is at 52 SB (Stolen Bases) now, but seeing how can not make it on base now, his goal may just be out of reach. But we will see. He did tear the sh!t out of his knee sliding into second Sunday night. I am sure he will continue to re-open it from now until baseball stops. I keep it moist with Neosporin. Last night and tonight's games are cancelled. So that helps some as well. *Crossing Fingers* he doesn't keep hurting it to where he can not play as it hurts to bad. (SEE FIELD MAINTENANCE!! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DO NOT SERVICE THE FIELDS AND DRAG THEM??? HARD ASS GROUND TO TEAR KNEES UP!!)
Let's see ... what else?
Hubby and I stole a rare moment away on Friday. Just him & I went down to our local downtown Farmer's Market. I was looking for a certain type of grape I LOVE. Not knowing the name was hard to locate. My grandfather grew them. I would sit in the field all the time (only grandchild out of 30+ allowed to *smile*) and eat the right off the vine. You would think my mother would know the name of them. Seeing it was her father. LOL. But Oh well. This vendor seem to think he knew what I spoke of and they are not in season yet. So I will try again later. But I did walk away with a bundle of goodies. 4# green beans, 4# B size potatoes, a large watermelon, a whole pineapple, and avocado's. Afterwards we went to a local restaurant. Not a great pick. Live and learn.
Sunday I fixed up the green beans, potatoes, and bacon in a pot. Yum! Yum! I have been snacking on them all week. Plus the watermelon. I think I may turn green or red. LOL.
Also ...
Catcherdude is driving me crazy with his sleeping. He will sleep 24/7. I swear. Doesn't matter if I go wake him, if I am lucky enough to get him up, I will just later find his sacked out somewhere else. I finally got him up this morning and we went to the movies this a.m. They have free movie series during the summer. Today was American Girl Movie, or Madagascar II. We went for the Madagascar one. But we were not home an hour and he was sound asleep. Still is matter of fact.
Then there is .....
I know there was more I was going to discuss, rant, chat about but drawing a blank. Hmmmm ...
Oh well guess that will have to be it for todays ramble.
Baseball Mom
Let's see ... what else?
Hubby and I stole a rare moment away on Friday. Just him & I went down to our local downtown Farmer's Market. I was looking for a certain type of grape I LOVE. Not knowing the name was hard to locate. My grandfather grew them. I would sit in the field all the time (only grandchild out of 30+ allowed to *smile*) and eat the right off the vine. You would think my mother would know the name of them. Seeing it was her father. LOL. But Oh well. This vendor seem to think he knew what I spoke of and they are not in season yet. So I will try again later. But I did walk away with a bundle of goodies. 4# green beans, 4# B size potatoes, a large watermelon, a whole pineapple, and avocado's. Afterwards we went to a local restaurant. Not a great pick. Live and learn.
Sunday I fixed up the green beans, potatoes, and bacon in a pot. Yum! Yum! I have been snacking on them all week. Plus the watermelon. I think I may turn green or red. LOL.
Also ...
Catcherdude is driving me crazy with his sleeping. He will sleep 24/7. I swear. Doesn't matter if I go wake him, if I am lucky enough to get him up, I will just later find his sacked out somewhere else. I finally got him up this morning and we went to the movies this a.m. They have free movie series during the summer. Today was American Girl Movie, or Madagascar II. We went for the Madagascar one. But we were not home an hour and he was sound asleep. Still is matter of fact.
Then there is .....
I know there was more I was going to discuss, rant, chat about but drawing a blank. Hmmmm ...
Oh well guess that will have to be it for todays ramble.
Baseball Mom
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Give-away I am drooling over.
Farmers Wife is having this awesome purse giveaway. So I am doing everything in my powers to win this.
How awesome would baseball mom (@catcherdudesmom) look sporting this to games and around town. When all would comment about my most awesomeness purse and where I got it, I would so send them to Farmers Wife's Blog. Oh yes indeedy I would. :)
So here is my attempt to
Thanks for listening to me drool. Now back to our scheduled blog of the day .. coming to you soon.
Baseball Mom
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
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