Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Benching the blog ...
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wordless Wednesday (Flash Back)
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Weekend Catch Up .. Not Me! Monday!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog.
The MckFamily was given really awesome news today. After 5+ weeks Stellan and her are heading back home. This is the best news.
So my post today will be done in Not Me! Monday Form.
This weekend was yet another busy one around Catcher dudes house. CDD decided he would pick up the extra overtime he normally turns down. So instead of being home Friday & Saturday, I was left to pick up the slack around here by myself. But I certainly did not drop the ball on all sorts of things. Nope! Not Me!
Catcher dudes birthday is just around the corner and he wanted a new bat for his birthday. So I did not spend from Thursday - Saturday googling bats, running from store to store all over town, THEN taking Catcher Dude from store to store. Picking out one bat .. and then deciding on another. Nope! Not Me! I certainly did not spend more on that bat than my truck payment. Nope! Why would I do something like that? (Reminds me of this post)
Then Saturday evening rolled around and though we are heading back out of town and the house is upside down and laundry and packing need to be started I didn't leave that all behind to go with CCD & Catcherdude to park to watch him use his new bat. Nope! Didn't happen that way. I didn't lash out about the cost of said bat when it (and it's owner) preformed HORRIBLE!! Making me wish I had just waited for dad dude to do all the baseball bat hunting. Nope! I wasn't secretly wishing there was a way to return a used bat. I was NOT plotting how this could be done.
Then Sunday rolled in and it was double header day. The weather was wonderful. It thought definitely was not so windy I was eating dirt stuck in my gum, and having to remove one of my contacts and place in CDD sunglasse case. Nope! That wasn't me.
The first game the boys struggled. With a lost of 10-3. Catcherdude's first @ bat .. oh lordy!! He "K". Then I really wasn't cursing and thinking, "Dump that POS bat!" Nah! I wouldn't do or say something to make Catcherdude feel horrible about his choice. (I later felt really bad about this) He did have 3 more AB. Which is good. Never see 4 AB in a game. He did have better AB after the first one. He got 2 1B, 2 stolen bases, and 1 R. So pretty good.
Second game they came out victorious. Winning 13-9. This time CD doubled, 1 SB, and 2 BB. So maybe the bat will be earning it's keep. We will see what magic it will bring lil man CD this weekend on his out-of-town tourney.
Now I am:
* Not procrastinating and not getting things all ready to go.
* I am not behind.
* I have finished shopping for CD's Birthday (that we are celebrating while gone)
* I have ordered the cookies for said birthday for team.
* I am not sitting here trying to think of more items just so I don't have to go load dishes and unload and reload laundry ....
Nope! Not Me!
Oh last item then I will have to move it .. move it ...
Catchers white jersey .. the numbers bled all over it and I tried and tried to get it out. I took it back to the store where the team ordered and received them. At first they were going to replace it. Then they called earlier and said it was "laundry error" and are charging me the $60 to replace it. I am totally Peeed Off about this.
Laundry Error my as- butt! I wash that in cold water. No colors. I know how to wash a dam- darn JERSEY!! I first agreed to it. But after talking to listening to CDD yell and fuss about how in the last year we have spent over $700 in that store on bats alone, not counting uniforms, batting helmets, gloves, etc .. and we just will take the bled white jersey and will think twice before stepping foot back in their store.
Now as a mom I have mixed emotions about this. I hate to think of him having to wear the awful mess of a jersey. But I see CDD's point too. *sigh* I am not sure what I will do. He told me to call her back in the a.m. I just don't know what to do.
Well All my chores are calling and I just remembered it is Medium night.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Life of a Baseball Player's Mom
I used to have a normal life. (Actually, my friends and family say the sentence should say, "I used to have a life, period".) It doesn't really seem all that long ago... Then I became the mother of a baseball player.
I used to think anything over $40 was an exorbitant price for a baseball bat and say things like, "I'm never paying that much for a glove!" Now the contents of my son's equipment bag are worth more than everything else in the house.
I used to work 8-5 and think I was over-worked and under-paid. Then I quit work so my child could have a full time maid, nanny, and chauffeur and now I often think 8-5 wasn't so bad. Now my husband is the sole bread winner in the family. (You have to keep a good paycheck coming in if you want to support a baseball habit!)
I used to look for cute little restaurants that served great Mexican. Now I'm a connoisseur of nachos and hot dogs and rate a city by the quality of their baseball fields' concession stand!
Sunflower seeds used to be something I would see at a store and think "Who eats those things?" Now I know who eats them because they're everywhere! In every pants pocket, in the washing machine, all over the car.....
My lawn used to be like carpet. I had plants and pretty flowers in the yard and in pots. The grass was green and mowed. Now I have bare spots 50 feet apart, artificial plants and flowers, and dents in every thing around the house that can't move out of the way of a fastball!!
My car used to draw admiring looks. It was clean, waxed, and shiny. Now it only draws attention when it wins the "dirtiest car" prize and the kids write "Wash Me" in the rear glass. After we load the bat bag, the lawn chairs, the umbrellas (just in case it rains), the blankets (it gets cool when the sun goes down), the coolers, and the water bottles, there's barely room for us.
I used to have a garage. Now I have a covered batting area, poles to wrap the hit-away around, and I'm lucky if I can fit the front of my car in at least far enough to keep the front seat in the shade or me from getting wet when I get out. If I can get out, I get to climb over whatever ball equipment, hitting machine, ball bag, and/or cleats are stored in the garage to keep them from getting wet.
My friends and I used to spend time talking about the new outfit we bought or movie we had just seen. Now I bore them to death with detailed play-by-play descriptions of five or six ball games.
My summer wardrobe used to consist of breezy little sun dresses in bright colors, strappy little sandals, and the occasional frilly shirt. Now I have a closet full of the coolest, thinnest shirts I can wear without being arrested, the most comfortable shoes I can find, and T-shirts that have baseball team names on the front.
We used to spend our summer vacation relaxing. Now I have no vacation or what vacation I have is hitting the road with other parents in a caravan that could rival some small town parades.
I used to be concerned that I would fall into the trap of living my life through my children. Now I know that I'm privileged to live my life WITH my children.
Yes, I'm a Baseball Mom and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Of course in July when it's 100 degrees in the shade, REMIND ME OF THAT!!
Here's to our kids and baseball!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday = Get busy
So first things first since being asked a few times how Catcher Dude is. I will update from this post.
The Sports Doctor got him right in. We love Dr. H. I found gold when I decided to put him on team
So he quickly got him in. No questions asked. No fighting. Just yep! Get him here. He is very proactive as am I. Will not risk a moment questioning he may not need to be seen. {sorry realized I was rambling .. get to point}
Yes Catcher Dude did pull a muscle. But thankfully it was not in the groin, and only had to rest, ice, and stretch it, Tylenol if needed, and no activities until Sunday when they are scheduled to play again. So *wiping off brow* that was a close one. But certainly not as bad as we first thought.
Thanks for the concern.
Now for the rest of life around here. I am some what behind. I have been fighting headaches and just no get up and go this week. I did get the pants back to their pretty white self. Only to be
Now the bag in the garage needs to be tackled. But I was waiting for warmer weather before I go out and play in water. So that is one of my plans for
Laundry and basic household pick up, wipe down, run dishwasher, etc. type things also needs to be accomplised. I don't want to be trying to run around at last minute to do those all in one day next week, plus pack. But really most items are still in suitcase. Why undo? Just wash and replace I say.
What else? ... Oh I am feeling better. Still have some moments of *ouch*. But better and better as the days go on. I do have some concerns on the driving/riding next week. Little further drive this time, and I was dying after the 90 minutes before. But I also should have taken dad dude & Catcher dudes advice and laid in back seat. So probably I will this time. Take advantage of watching a movie. :-D
I also have been thinking about having a giveaway here. All the
Well I have been trying to blog, twitter, laundry, and phone calls all at the sametime. I think I best get full attention in one thing and move on.
Happy Thursday!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday .. Repeat
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Showering Sunday ..
What a weekend. So I sucked in and loaded up and went to the baseball tournament. I was still swearing Friday I was not going to go. But Catcherdude batting (no pun intended) those eyes at me. I just didn't have the heart to tell him no.
But by the time we drove there (approx. 1.5 hours) I was dying!! I was glad we left early enough we could check in at hotel and I could lay down for a while. That was about the only time I had troubles all weekend.
The boys played one game Friday night. They won that game 8-5. That would be the last win, and last dry moment we would have at the fields all weekend.
The first game on Saturday they lost 0-5. It rained through the whole game. Ugh! The the injuries started. First an OF was at bat, lost footing in batters box, pulled side and down groin. Ouch! Then Catcher Dude went to throw someone stealing second. He lost footing, and pulled groin. He went down! He tried to finish. He didn't want to be pulled out. But he went to pop-up and throw again, and his face said it all. So now he is pulled. But even if injured you have to take your AB (At Bat) or take an out. Dumb rule, but he and the other boy managed. Then change of pitchers happened and after a few batters, the pitcher lost his footing, slipped, and fell on pitching arm. Now the coach is fuming and goes after blue. They really should have stopped the game. But they didn't have the authority. Those of the powers to be could not be reached. Of Course!!
Then the second game starts. They had back to back games. Still raining. Lost again 2-11. Catcher Dude was not allowed to play. But still batted. He actually did well considering. He walked and doubled with an RBI. So that was good. But we were so wet and muddy after that. The weekend had turned on us for sure at this point. By the time we were done, the rain had stopped, but the fields would not recover.
Today the played one more game. Right before leaving for game, you guessed it .. rain started again. LOL. They lost again. 1-5. We were done. We carried so much wet, yucky, muddy crap back it was terrible.
Catcherdudes bag which is NEVER, ever, EVER allowed in the garage. Is sitting in the garage as it is to wet and full of mud to be in house. The white pants? They will never recover.
We are of course home now. It is raining here now (of course). I will have to call Sports Doctor tomorrow and get CD in to see what is what. *sigh* I hope he is not out for the season now.
It rained so much I really never got any good pictures. I even took my really good camera. But I never managed to get it out. Guess I should have Friday.

~*~*~ Getting Ready to Play ~*~*~

~*~*~ Dugout ~*~*~

~*~*~ Batter Up! ~*~*~

~*~*~ Run ... ~*~*~

~*~*~ Enough is enough! Let's get out of here.~*~*~
So like I said I will call Dr. in the a.m. Get him in, and we will go from there. I so hope the season is not lost!!
Meanwhile I totally need a
Baseball Mom
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wordless Wednesday .. Game Day!

Tonight Game #2 of the season. Wish it was warmer. Wish I felt better. Wish dad dude could be there. Oh well. Make the best of what we got. Practice went fairly well last night. I just wish the boys (excluding 2) would learn to get the bunt down. Ugh! How many times do you have to go over it already. How old are you? 13!
Let's see how tonight goes. I have so much to do before Friday and it is already Wednesday. This is NOT good!! I am thinking it might not all get done. But we will see.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2009 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday catch up
Slept the entire day away. I got up took dad dude to school, and came back. I told catcher dude he needed to get up. He couldn't sleep the day way. He would not sleep tonight. Well I told him all this. Told him he had 10 minutes, then get up, shower, and start the day. Yeah! That was at 9 a.m. Next thing I know my cell is ringing. It is 1:30 p.m. YIKES!!
Oh well. What can you do about? Just move on.
I did take
Me: "Did you call to check balance?"
CD: "I don't need to, I have not used it."
Me: "Okay, but you will need to hurry. I am still not feeling up to being out."
After a long time. He finally found some that fit. I am really tired of these stores and the sizes not fitting him. Go back to Target and Wal-Mart. For crying out loud!! So he decides he is going to spend the whole card. He got the swim trucks, a pair of shorts, and a hat (WTF? Another one?) Anyway we get to check out ..
He swipes his card. Balance due $48. Um, what? There was only 9 and some change on that card. I was livid. But more embarrassed than anything. It took the forever!! To get his card re-charged. They finally realized they could not credit back under $10 to gift card. The line backed up forever! I was in so much pain!! What a nightmare. They finally gave him a store credit and I got the hell out dodge.
Just for not calling .. I should NOT see he gets any trucks for the weekend. Besides, are they there to swim or play ball? Just saying .. just saying ..
So chalk it up to yet another time you should not listen to a teenager!! LOL
Baseball Mom
Saturday, April 11, 2009
and it rains

Well what a way to ruin a mood. This rain is the pits! I
UGH! I get so flush straighted at this. Same cycle every year.
The tournament re-schedule for today from last Sunday is CANCELLED. So the boys will take second place in this tournament and will receive trophies. So least they walked away with something after all the PITA weather.
There is less than a week until out of town tournament. Looks like mom will stay on the DL and have to camp out at home. I am really bummed out. I thought I would be feeling better than this 3 weeks out. Oh Well. What can you do?
On the slim to none chance I will go with them the boys are going to have to kick it into gear and get the house back in order. I am not having someone come in to care for Dakota (our dog) and the house upside down.
I did something I usually do not do the other day. I bought a book. Usually I just request at library and wait. But I really am bored. (Though since then I have learned a lil about Twittering and I can use catcherdudes ipod from bed) So I had Catcher Dude run into Books-A-Million and purchase Safe at Home: Confessions of a Baseball Fanatic so far it is really good. I was not aware Alyssa Milano is such a baseball fanatic. Her new clothing line is really nice to. So anyway we shall see. Only about 25 pages in (thanks Twitter! lol) but I like what I have read so far.
Okay time to switch positions again.
Baseball Mom
Thursday, April 9, 2009
MIA .. Opening Day
So BASEBALL!! Yep! It is here. Here in 50 degree temps (and lower) but it is here.
The #1 team started a tournament last weekend, but it was rained out on Sunday. So postponed until this Saturday. They are currently in second place. So lets hope they hang onto that or take first, which ever works for me. Though if it rains out again they will place second, and receive trophies.

So Opening Day was yesterday for Catcher Dudes #1 Team League. (Team #2 opening day is not until May .. *rolling eyes*) The boys played terrific. Though temps are still not great around here. Come on SPRING!! SPRUNG already! Gezz!! Catcher Dude really is having a great start.
Catcher Dude has NO pass balls. But the BIG thing for him .. he has thrown 2 people out stealing second. He is coming right along. His arm is recovering nicely. 90 feet doesn't seem to be causing a problem. So I am as proud as can be. It is his goal this year to make it impossible for them to put in the backup catcher. [I admit it .. my kid doesn't like to share. LOL]The won 10-0 last night. The boys goal is to keep Strike Outs down to 5 a game. Saturdays game they had 13. Oh boy! Last night it was 7. They are getting closer to their goal.
I didn't get any pictures last night but here is another favorite of mine of our dear Coach Max. The boys really miss him. I will take a picture of the patch they are wearing in his memory soon.
So I suppose that is all the updates I have so far. Tonight is practice for #2. They really need to get their boys in line. They have not yet had all boys show up for practice yet. How can you improve if you don't practice? Practice as a team? You can not!!
RIP Angels rookie Nick Adenhart
Nick Adenhart, a 22-year-old pitcher for the Los Angeles Angels (from Hagerstown, Md.), was killed early this morning in a Hit-and-Run accident this morning. He (Adenhart) had just played Wednesday night, starting at home against the Oakland Athletics. He pitched six shutout innings.
He will be missed.