Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Saturday

Well today was a veggie type of day. Boy did I certainly need it. I slept in until about 8:30. Woo Hoo. Then Catcherdude went to TKD @ 10. Then what did i/we do.


Well kid and DH went to park and did whateva cause I didn't ask. But I laid (yes laid) in my bed and watched all sorts of things I Tivo'd all week.

Boy was this a fun, relaxing day.

I finally did give in and made dinner, and I vaccumed my room, rotated the bed, and changed the bedding. But that was the end of my chore list. :P

HAPPY SATURDAY!! Hope everyone elses was as chilled as mine.

I also should add today is momma's birthday. Catcherdude called her and wished her good birthday. I should have. Oopps! Bad daughter!!

1 comment:

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Hey! You took a page from my Saturday! "A do nuthin' day!"

Thanks for the notice about my blog. I added a "gadget" but with your comment I removed it.

If you are around? Maybe you could try again to be sure I've cleared it all up!

Happy Sunday!