Oh it is!!.. that is the temperature outside. Brrrr.. yeah so that is totally helping my sinus'. I am thinking we are going to have to break down and heat this house. The thermostat reads 61 in here. Outside temp 30. Catcherdude is going to freeze them
balls legs off today after school. They are having their annual Halloween Classic 1.5 mile Fall Run. I was going to go up and watch, maybe, depending on how I feel later.
I am though off to the doctors today. I am one of those get a list of
ailments, things worth paying the
dump butted nice co-pay for, and then make the appointment. If I can get a flu shot, and still have this cement up my nose, and the insurance will pay for it, I think I will get that as well. Plus all the other items on my list of things to bombard the DR with today.
Other than that I am still on sick leave and not doing much else. All the house will sit and wait. All of kids run me here ... run me there will be passed by. Though I still
might go watch the Fall Run.
So hopefully by mid-morning I have
a kickin jack hammer some kickin' medicine to bust this open. Well I am sitting here shaking from the cold, so I am going to hot steam shower my head, dress, and get off to doctor land.
Okay so I am home now. This really was not my day [again!] I got stuck sitting on the hwy for way to long as yet ANOTHER accident closed yet ANOTHER hwy down. This is getting absolutely ridiculous!! I left way early in hopes to sneaking in early so I could get possible maybe
shouldn't have went anyway get up to CD school to open the cart for lunch. But instead I sat trapped on the hky. Couldn't move. Wasn't moving. Turn the motor off and cleaned the inside of the truck up stuck in traffic kind of trapped. I finally get to the office.. waited, waited, and waited some more. But finally got in to see him. Got my medicine. But oh wait, what is this? No more paper scripts we just fax them straight away from the office. Yeah! Right! The pharmacy never got it.
Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.
Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.
Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.
SOMEONE GET ME MY SCRIPT!! I am dying here. Finally after starting this fight at 10 a.m. I get my wonderful, glorous meds at 3. So I have them. Taking them. Phone again. Ugh!
Well now Catcher Dude missed his bus to his Halloween Classic 1.5 mile Fall Run. So he is all upset, and cold [whaddatellakiddo] and misses out on all the fun. So he is on
hell normal bus home. Apparently to be crabby the rest of the afternoon.