Friday, October 31, 2008

Post Halloween

Just a quick post.

Niece #1 and Catcherdude had a blast at the lil halloween party thrown at his TKD. They played games. Ate. Had prizes. Played more games. Got grab bags. Left. Prefect amount of time. Didn't have to do all the T or T crap. Nice!

I took my camera..but no pictures. I do have one of neice before we left.


So that is the sum of this Halloween. I am glad it is over! Now on to Thanksgiving. As anymore what does Halloween mean to me? The start of the holiday season!!

Hallo-weenie Day!


I can not believe it is the last day of October. Next thing we know it will be Thanksgiving, Christmas, 2009! We really do not get kids around here. Well we do, I take that back. Older children. Too old and no costumes. So the light is out here. Nuff! I am opting instead of taking niece #1 and Catcher dude to a party being held at his TKD. That should be good anuff. Then I do not have to worry and all the hassle and crap related to this dumb..get on my nerves..p.i.t.a wonderful holiday.

Today kid has another day off. Well he has a 1/2 day. Waste of time going. Classes are finished. Grades due yesterday. New class schedule for Monday, so waste of time day. They did actually plan the rewards party for that dumb ass, p.i.t.a, junk for sale, didn't make squat for the school great school fundraiser they held last month. But the students parents, were sucked in required to sell 12 items to go to this "party". I was more than willing to just skip it, and let Catcher Dude stay home for the waste of the day 1/2.

Still not moving much, medicine is working. Just slower than I would like. I have tons to do. But no pick and go to do it. Oh well. It will get done. soon.

Photobucket Pictures from last Halloween when he volunteered at a neighborhood haunted house. Which as I remember he got deathly ill that evening from being in the cold and rain and couldn't go to school next day as he was running a 102 temp.

~*~* Happy Halloween! Keep the kiddos safe tonight!! ~*~*


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Favorite Day...

That's right. No School. Which why am I so excited? Doesn't seem like they have went all that much this month. Out of a possible 23 days, they attended 18. So it should be the norm by now. But none the less I had the boy home today and we actually got along and went out in public..shh..together. But I am sure that was because mom had all the credit cards cash. In a matter of 24 hours, I dropped little over $200 on this child on clothes & shoes. I once again am haunted reminded about a conversation I had over a year ago. [about the conversation] So first it was shoes.

Now clothes. *thud* He has fallen into that category. What category? The child that has to have the certain types, the certain brand, the certain size, the certain color. *thud*

I decided to put my big girl pants on and deal .. deal by not saying one word. I totally left the decisions up to him. I once added a thought and left it at that. It took 161 months for him to start caring about what he wore. So I guess I did pretty good getting away with it as long as I did.

But anyway we had a fun day. Added to his wardrobe for the fall/winter. Few laughs. Some eats. Yeah! All good.

Now what to do Friday?.. ah yes, home again. Do they ever go to school? Home Friday. Go to school Monday, new trimester starts so new classes, and off Tuesday for election.

Geez. Give me time to miss um! [totally a joke, as I always like him home]

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Someone close the refrigerator door!!

Oh it is!!.. that is the temperature outside. Brrrr.. yeah so that is totally helping my sinus'. I am thinking we are going to have to break down and heat this house. The thermostat reads 61 in here. Outside temp 30. Catcherdude is going to freeze them balls legs off today after school. They are having their annual Halloween Classic 1.5 mile Fall Run. I was going to go up and watch, maybe, depending on how I feel later.

I am though off to the doctors today. I am one of those get a list of worries, concerns, ailments, things worth paying the dump butted nice co-pay for, and then make the appointment. If I can get a flu shot, and still have this cement up my nose, and the insurance will pay for it, I think I will get that as well. Plus all the other items on my list of things to bombard the DR with today.

Other than that I am still on sick leave and not doing much else. All the house will sit and wait. All of kids run me here ... run me there will be passed by. Though I still might go watch the Fall Run.

So hopefully by mid-morning I have a kickin jack hammer some kickin' medicine to bust this open. Well I am sitting here shaking from the cold, so I am going to hot steam shower my head, dress, and get off to doctor land.


Okay so I am home now. This really was not my day [again!] I got stuck sitting on the hwy for way to long as yet ANOTHER accident closed yet ANOTHER hwy down. This is getting absolutely ridiculous!! I left way early in hopes to sneaking in early so I could get possible maybe shouldn't have went anyway get up to CD school to open the cart for lunch. But instead I sat trapped on the hky. Couldn't move. Wasn't moving. Turn the motor off and cleaned the inside of the truck up stuck in traffic kind of trapped. I finally get to the office.. waited, waited, and waited some more. But finally got in to see him. Got my medicine. But oh wait, what is this? No more paper scripts we just fax them straight away from the office. Yeah! Right! The pharmacy never got it.

Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.

Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.

Dr: Yes they did.
Pharmacy: No we didn't.

SOMEONE GET ME MY SCRIPT!! I am dying here. Finally after starting this fight at 10 a.m. I get my wonderful, glorous meds at 3. So I have them. Taking them. Phone again. Ugh!

Well now Catcher Dude missed his bus to his Halloween Classic 1.5 mile Fall Run. So he is all upset, and cold [whaddatellakiddo] and misses out on all the fun. So he is on hell normal bus home. Apparently to be crabby the rest of the afternoon.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday Moan

It is Monday. I still feel like sh*t. DH didn't put Catcher Dudes jeans in dryer like I asked and he said, "okay". Out of tea. Have to take kid to school because said jeans. kid only has 2 pairs of jeans? seriously? I don't want the school week to start. I don't want to be out of bed. I am thinking everyone back to bed. screw it. no clothes to wear sounds like a great reason to go back to bed. but i can't breathe in bed. can't breathe out of bed, but alas not the point. there is the bus. oh screw the day.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend over? Seriously?

Weekends just don't last long enough! Friday was errands by plenty.

  • Ran by catcher dudes school, to pick up a check, which wasn't there. Of Course!!
  • Then we went to Borders to pick up the next book in the series for CD. New Moon
  • Then to Bed & Bath for CD bought nothing.
  • Had mall lunch .. blah!
  • Shopping at American Eagle for CD. Actually got him some Christmas Gifts.
  • Shopping at Sports Authority for CD. Had to get new cup and catcher's glove. I was saving the glove for Christmas, but dad convinced me he had to have now to break in before season starts.

Well so after running around like a mad woman on Friday with dh. We had dinner with my mother and after that I decided I seriously needed a drink. Came home to find ice box downstairs empty so I sent DH back out for me a bottle of wine. yeah me!! I drank myself to a sound snooze. slept great.

Only to awaken Saturday morning with this horrible sinus thing. After that all plans of nothing really turned to nothing!! Even the honey dew list from post before.. sat. I have laid in bed all weekend. I still feel like crappy-poo. I did rasie out of my bed to make chicken soup. But that was it.

I am not sure I can cope with the ahead week. Man!?! Do I dislike being ill. But I am glad it came about during weekend. weekend with not a thing to do. weekend. FW had a sinus thing going on a lil bit ago and was suggusted drinking lemonade with vodka. I wonder if she ever tried it, and if it worked? hmmm ...

So that was my weekend. zero. zip. nadda.

Friday, October 24, 2008


So finally Friday is here. We have another quiet weekend here. I am so thankful for that. I am just worn out. Yesterday I came home and napped from about 2:30-4, not on purpose mind you. Just fell asleep. Then I was in bed and sleeping sorta soundly at 9. I so needed that. But when the alarm went off at 6, UGH! I still was not ready to let sleep go. My plans were to get in DS bed and sleep a tad bit more this a.m. but I just couldn't bring myself to do that.

So as far as the weekend goes I think it will just be a lounge around the house weekend. The DH and I was going to have lunch this afternoon with a fellow worker bee, but that fell through. I do have some honey dew things that we could work on.
  • Hang Molina picture that CD got for Christmas 2007.
  • Post the NO TRESPASSING signs we got for the fences
  • Move hutch from basement
  • Work on putting the basement back together from flooding in April/May
  • Hang bikes up in garage

So there are some lacking items around here. Though as I was sitting here I am thinking we should head out and do a little Christmas shopping. (yes you read that correct) See DH and I only get so much time together to do anything. So have to make it count. We only have 5-6 Fridays alone until Christmas hits. So never to soon to start. Besides not getting a lot this season. Catcherdude got the hunk of his money allotment in September. But seeing he is 13 not 6 he gets it. Not a biggie! So we may head out and do that today. Guess we could have lunch together, alone, just him and I... what am I thinking? lol.

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #4

13 things about my 13-year-old son
  1. born on Cinco DeMayo
  2. taurus
  3. eighth grader
  4. worn braces in 3rd & 4th grade
  5. thumb sucker until 8/9 years old
  6. played ice hockey at age 3 1/2
  7. only played baseball 4 years
  8. still doesn't weigh 100 lbs.
  9. only child
  10. had his adenoids removed
  11. has a very faint birth mark on waist
  12. does not like woman principals
  13. is still way to naive and innocent to be in eighth grade (unfortunately .. though fortunately)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dream a lil dream with me.

So I was reading Farmer*swife's post from Glass half Empty about her dream and that got me thinkin', yeah i do that sometimes, yeah it hurts, but ya gotta expand that mind sometimes, about a conversation the family had over the weekend.

We were watching Nightmare on Elm Street and got talkin about dreams. I am not sure who mentioned it first, but anyway, some where along the line it came out neither of them dream every night. Where I dream every night. I don't always remember them. But I do in fact dream every night. I sometimes will look forward in getting to sleep to dream. Like a movie night every night.

I first I thought they might just not remember. But they were cursing me out, swearing they hardly ever dream. So I guess that is a strange thing. I always thought everyone dreamed every night. So I donno.

Maybe that is why I am so gosh darn tired! My dreams are wearing me out!

So if you come across this post, I would like to hear from you.

Do you dream every night?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gonna Be a Bear

Sounds perfect to me!!

Man! We have been uber busy. I tell ya. Fall is here .. or so it is supposed to be .. and i do not feel like we still have slowed down.

Fall Baseball is over. yeah! though i know it disappoints catcher dude. but january is just a minute away, i swear cd .. i swear. so you would think it would be slower. nope. drop off one item, off to another. oh well they are only small, want momma, and home for so long, then it is off to the big mean ol' world, and an empty house for the momma.

we are not doing halloween this year. bah!hum!bug! i did not dig out the decorations. i did not costume hunt. i did not candy shop. done! 13 is way past time for that sh!t. never liked going in all his years, not start'n now when i think way past that time. besides to much baggage with that. cd is going to a halloween fall festival that night at his tkd place.

well i could blabber, ramble, talk of much more sh!t interesting facts. but once again, short on time and i must close.

happy wednesday tuesday!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sex With A Cowboy ..

Funny of the day ....

Prior to her trip to Texas , Buffy (a New Yorker),
confided to her co-workers she had three goals for her trip to the Lone Star State ...

1. She wanted to taste some real Texas Bar-B-Que.

2. She wanted to take in a bona fide rodeo.


3. She wanted to have sex with a real cowboy.

Upon returning, the girls were curious as to how she fared.

'Let me tell you,they have a tree down there called a Mesquite and when they slow cook that brisket over that Mesquite , it's ooooh so good. The taste is unbelievable!'

'And I went to a real rodeo. Talk about athletes. those guys wrestle full grown bulls! They ride horses at a full gallop, then jump off the horses and grab the bull by the horns and throw them to the ground! It is just incredible!'

They then asked, 'Well tell us, did you have sex with a real cowboy?'

'Are you kidding? When I saw the outline of the condom they carry in the back pocket of their jeans, I changed my mind!'

Brought to you by :

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Saturday

Well today was a veggie type of day. Boy did I certainly need it. I slept in until about 8:30. Woo Hoo. Then Catcherdude went to TKD @ 10. Then what did i/we do.


Well kid and DH went to park and did whateva cause I didn't ask. But I laid (yes laid) in my bed and watched all sorts of things I Tivo'd all week.

Boy was this a fun, relaxing day.

I finally did give in and made dinner, and I vaccumed my room, rotated the bed, and changed the bedding. But that was the end of my chore list. :P

HAPPY SATURDAY!! Hope everyone elses was as chilled as mine.

I also should add today is momma's birthday. Catcherdude called her and wished her good birthday. I should have. Oopps! Bad daughter!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday .. Friday ..

It is finally upon us. I always get so excited about Fridays, and I have no idea why. It is not like we get to sleep in on the weekends. Not like anything changes. Still run .. run .. dash in and out. 2 days of the same. Baseball, TKD, Bowling. So what changes. What makes Fridays so gosh darn exciting?

i dunno.

But alas Friday is here. Catcher Dude has a 1/2 day. We are going to the Punkin patch. We do have a baseball game tonight. We do have to drive and pick up the dad dude. Now that is a new development in the baseball hall of fame house. Dad dude having some OT tonight but his ride is leaving at 8, dad leaving at 10.

Hockey has offically started from what I hear. Red Sox are still rock' the house. It is amazing how much they are in the playoffs & World Series anymore. Good for them. Well I am off to start the day.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dinner tonight

So I have had it with eating out, fast food, eating at 10:30pm - midnight. From running all evening. Tonight I am cooking this:

Mac-and-Cheese Soup

Catcher dude asked about this the other day, and we haven't had it in a while. So I stopped extra early this a.m. and took a drive to store.

I will start now, and should be ready when kiddo walks in from after school activities. Then we rush off for another night of running about. Actually .. we have one trip tonight. It is testing for TKD. So *crossing fingers*, hoping and praying, stomping feet, throwing myself on ground and having a 2-year old tantrum that we are home by 8 and in bed by 9. I need some Zzzzzzz's.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

*Yawn* Morning already?

Why? why? oh why? is morning coming so early. i just can not get moving any more. i hit the snooze way to much as well. then when i finally get up, now it is a struggle to get catcherdude up. then he is running out chasin bus. *sigh* i just do not know how to break this cycle.

maybe we are too busy. maybe in my old years i just can not hang with the young one. maybe I am not resting while sleeping. Maybe? maybe? maybe? that is all i have. a lot of nuttin'. though what i do know is i/we are in a never ending cycle. merry-go-round. i have to figure out a way to get off this ride and onto a better cycle. better ride.

Today is just like almost any other day.

kid off to school 7:30. bloggie, laundry, shower, dishes. out the door to volunteer at school 10:15. leave school at 12:45. home, pick up dad dude. drop him off for ride to work 1:15. home again. this n that. calling rainout number. will?will not?have baseball!waiting for answer.
to be continued.
did have baseball. waste of time going. this gosh darn team has to many members. dinner at 11:30. bedtime soon.

Ugh! Whatamessimade

So I just wanted to change ONE thing on this blog. one. simple thing. So you woulda thought. 1.5 hours later and I finally, i think, got this back in order. oy? no more changing the bloggie i suppose.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

October is here ..

So that means for Catcher Dude the painful start of the fall season. Oh yes .. the end of the fall ball baseball season.

Last night was the last double header for team #1 (G). They ended the fall 7-3. Not bad. Last night was brrr..brrr.brr chilly! But we made it through. All that is left in the season for this team is a tournament the weekend of 20,21. They were going to play in a tournament the 13,14 but cancelled. So that will be that until January, then we start back with indoor practices & training.

AS far as team #2 (C). They have 3 more games in their fall season and were done. I doubt we will go back in the spring. But possible.

What I have been thinking is taking him back to where this baseball frenzy all started. Back to the beginning. Let him play on a second team at the lil rec ball fields we have in this area. Though let him play up a year for a challenge. Wipe my hands with the rest.

Though I will have to have a meeting with the head of the house here .. he really has last say. So me making plans and not asking the boss man probably wouldn't be a good idea. The boss-man, head of house, the number one, always likes last say in anything. So when the Catcher Dude wakes, and I remember I will check this over with him.

Meanwhile .. as far as fall. I am glad she is here. Cooler weather, beautiful leaves, pumpkin patches, apples, halloween, all my fav's are coming.

Well I better make use of my time of NOT being on the road today and clean up, laundry, etc. Because these days are rare!!