So today is a holiday. But it sure
as hell doesn't seem like a holiday. If it wasn't for the boyz still in their beds, I would believe it is any other day. Any other Monday. But Catcher Dude Dad needs to feel lucky .. 1) That his company actually gives this day off. 2) It actually fell on a day other than Friday, so he actually gets the day off.
Things on tap today .. nada ... well the boyz may be off to some ball field to play catch, or bat, or what ever Catcher Dude wants to drap his dad off to do. But I will not be dragged off today. I am still in way to much pain. Only one more day and the DR will be back in to let me know the next step. I got the MRI completed on Saturday. They said they were faxing off the findings that day so they would be there for him when he got back to the office on Tuesday. Why did this have to be a holiday weekend? But really .. why does he not have Saturday hours? Ugh! *sigh* Breathe.
Though CD might just stay inside and finish the book he is all excited about reading. Twilight I know he talks about the book here. Least I think???? All I know is a ton of kids (and I am led to believe mostly girls) at school are reading this series by Stephenie Meyers. Good for him! Finally he is excited about reading, and that is all I care about. I read the first chapter while he was cutting the grass he insisted. Now I don't know if it was because I am still in total pain and my mind just couldn't wrap around reading, or if the book just sucks for me. idonnno. But I didn't let on.
Things on tap today .. nada ... well the boyz may be off to some ball field to play catch, or bat, or what ever Catcher Dude wants to drap his dad off to do. But I will not be dragged off today. I am still in way to much pain. Only one more day and the DR will be back in to let me know the next step. I got the MRI completed on Saturday. They said they were faxing off the findings that day so they would be there for him when he got back to the office on Tuesday. Why did this have to be a holiday weekend? But really .. why does he not have Saturday hours? Ugh! *sigh* Breathe.
Though CD might just stay inside and finish the book he is all excited about reading. Twilight I know he talks about the book here. Least I think???? All I know is a ton of kids (and I am led to believe mostly girls) at school are reading this series by Stephenie Meyers. Good for him! Finally he is excited about reading, and that is all I care about. I read the first chapter while he was cutting the grass he insisted. Now I don't know if it was because I am still in total pain and my mind just couldn't wrap around reading, or if the book just sucks for me. idonnno. But I didn't let on.
Well really nothing else I can think of. Just rambling Monday I suppose. Anything to try and pass the time until Tuesday. But knowing the DR he doesn't make return calls until after hours, last time I called (9:15 am) to leave a message to call me, it was 9:30 pm when he called. Nothing will take place Tuesday and it will at least be Wednesday until we proceed with anything. New Meds. Surgery. Etc ..
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