- i love my son more then i ever thought i could, would, or will love someone.
- i have 1 dog, dakota
- i love to shop
- i love to crochet
- we need a bigger house
- i really don't have irl friend
- i am addicted to internet
- i love to read janet evanovich novels
- my most favorite thing in the world is hanging out with son
- oh! i love my hubby too.
- i secretly want to move away from all my family
- i can not stand my sister
- i have been married almost 16 years
- recently started doing sudoku puzzles
- fall is my favorite season
- i still sometimes don't feel like a grown-up
- i hate drinking water despite how good i know it is to do so
- i love candles, air freshers, plug-ins, etc.
- my toilet water has to be blue .. i buy tablets in bulk
- i love quoting movies
Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday Twenty
twenty things about me...
Monday, September 29, 2008
sleeping when you can't
Once again .. I can not sleep tonight. I do not know what the problem is sometimes. I just can not get my body to stop, my mind to stop racing a mile a minute. I want sleep. I need sleep. But even when I do get to sleep .. I dream! and my dreams wake me with mind running a mile a minute again. So many restless nights. It's not like I suffer from insomnia. Least I do not think so! never have before.
I hate starting my day off on insufficient sleep.
Monday Moan
So I am not sure I have a moan. Other than I have been really busy for a Monday.
- Got Catcher Dude up and out door
- Got the baseball backstop taken down ~ just in time before rain started to pour down
- Answered some emails
- Called insurance (medical) company about a claim they denied
- Called Lab back and told them the insurance company didn't receive claim send again
- Called and moved a DR appointment
- Called insurance (car) company to find out why rate increase
- Up at school to run the the Snack Cart for all 3 lunch hours
- Picked up and delivered Dad Dude to his ride for work
- Answered some more emails
Oy! So I hope the rest of the evening is slower. CD has a baseball game tonight and TKD. Now I am thinking baseball will be rained out. We have had a steady rain for most of the day. Now confession? I secretly am glad the game probably will be rained out. I am tired!!
On other news I heard this song on way to school this morning. I have not heard this in a while, and I have always liked it. So I will close with this.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Recap September
Okay well so I haven't been around much this month. I know there is still 6 days left of September, but For the most part the month is over.
Let's see baseball is still going on. CD is all set with his team(s) for the spring. With the flooding that occurred the 14th it put a delay on the fields at one park. But they are back open for business as of this Friday. I am not sure if CD will play 1 or 2 teams this spring (2009). He is currently playing two different fall teams. I am not sure what he is going to do about the second team (cobras), but he has accepted the offer from the Grizzlies. He actually has a contract with them. LOL!! The Cobra's actually play up a year higher than he has to play. But really only misses the cut of by 5 day to have to play this age division. But as usual we leave the baseball team deciding on him. His first team (g) does a lot to help off set the cost of select ball. So we will see.
8th Grade seems to be going well. Grades from what I can tell are good. Though they could be better considering now is when Colleges (wtf?) start paying attention to attendance, grades, etc. But he is going well and I am proud.
I have gotten sucked into the PTSA and was elected the past school year as this years Secretary. I am not all that excited about the position. But I will fill 1 year of my 2 year term. CD leaves this year so I will only do one year. Along with holding that position on the board I am also committee chair of the PTSA snack cart. I am up there almost everyday running the snack cart, least until we get more volunteers. This is the second biggest fundraiser the school has.
This n that (TKD) ..
We did have an issue with another student that lives over a couple blocks and is on the bus. I believe I mentioned this last year, though I can not find where. I really am not sure what this students "issue" is but if asked, he comes up with some dumbass excuse. So he decides to come out of know where and hit CD, which unfortunately for him is very pale, fair skin, and blacks not one but both lil guys eyes. Grrr. This is the second time this ball headed child has given CD a black eye.
So .....
Not that momma promotes fighting .. but she let CD and C dad dude twist my arm in to letting him take Tae Kwon Do. Not that my busy schedule wasn't busy enough .. now I transport to TKD 3-4 times a week. Least for a month. See how goes from there. But I do like that is not about fighting but more self defense. That I like. Promotes respectful attitude, focused mind, and confidence. I have already seen an improvement with some of the above. So we will see. He has already worked hard these last couple weeks and has earned the right to test for the next belt on the 9th.
Well I do believe that catches everyone up on CD moms coming and goings. Hope I didn't bore you all to much.
Let's see baseball is still going on. CD is all set with his team(s) for the spring. With the flooding that occurred the 14th it put a delay on the fields at one park. But they are back open for business as of this Friday. I am not sure if CD will play 1 or 2 teams this spring (2009). He is currently playing two different fall teams. I am not sure what he is going to do about the second team (cobras), but he has accepted the offer from the Grizzlies. He actually has a contract with them. LOL!! The Cobra's actually play up a year higher than he has to play. But really only misses the cut of by 5 day to have to play this age division. But as usual we leave the baseball team deciding on him. His first team (g) does a lot to help off set the cost of select ball. So we will see.
8th Grade seems to be going well. Grades from what I can tell are good. Though they could be better considering now is when Colleges (wtf?) start paying attention to attendance, grades, etc. But he is going well and I am proud.
I have gotten sucked into the PTSA and was elected the past school year as this years Secretary. I am not all that excited about the position. But I will fill 1 year of my 2 year term. CD leaves this year so I will only do one year. Along with holding that position on the board I am also committee chair of the PTSA snack cart. I am up there almost everyday running the snack cart, least until we get more volunteers. This is the second biggest fundraiser the school has.
This n that (TKD) ..
We did have an issue with another student that lives over a couple blocks and is on the bus. I believe I mentioned this last year, though I can not find where. I really am not sure what this students "issue" is but if asked, he comes up with some dumb
So .....
Not that momma promotes fighting .. but she let CD and C dad dude twist my arm in to letting him take Tae Kwon Do. Not that my busy schedule wasn't busy enough .. now I transport to TKD 3-4 times a week. Least for a month. See how goes from there. But I do like that is not about fighting but more self defense. That I like. Promotes respectful attitude, focused mind, and confidence. I have already seen an improvement with some of the above. So we will see. He has already worked hard these last couple weeks and has earned the right to test for the next belt on the 9th.
Well I do believe that catches everyone up on CD moms coming and goings. Hope I didn't bore you all to much.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Disappointing Fall Line-up
Okay why do I bother? I finally find show I like .. and the just trash them to the waste side.
ABC Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Big Shots and Women’s Murder Club.
FOX Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Back to You, Canterbury’s Law, K-Ville, Nashville, The Next Great American Band, New Amsterdam, The Return of Jezebel James and Unhitched.
The CW Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Aliens in America, Beauty and the Geek, Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants, CW Now, Girlfriends, Life is Wild, Online Nation, Pussycat Dolls Presents, and WWE Friday Night Smackdown!
NBC Shows - Cancelled/ Not Returning
Amne$ia, Bionic Woman, Clash of the Choirs, Journeyman, Las Vegas, My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad, Phenomenon, quarterlife, Scrubs, The Singing Bee
So what is still on, that I do watch?
Desperate Housewives
Private Practice
Grey’s Anatomy
ER ... [thinking]
I am not sure if I will start any of the "new" shows starting. I really am disappointed.
ABC Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Big Shots and Women’s Murder Club.
FOX Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Back to You, Canterbury’s Law, K-Ville, Nashville, The Next Great American Band, New Amsterdam, The Return of Jezebel James and Unhitched.
The CW Shows - Cancelled/Not Returning
They have said goodbye to: Aliens in America, Beauty and the Geek, Crowned: The Mother of All Pageants, CW Now, Girlfriends, Life is Wild, Online Nation, Pussycat Dolls Presents, and WWE Friday Night Smackdown!
NBC Shows - Cancelled/ Not Returning
Amne$ia, Bionic Woman, Clash of the Choirs, Journeyman, Las Vegas, My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad, Phenomenon, quarterlife, Scrubs, The Singing Bee
So what is still on, that I do watch?
Desperate Housewives
Private Practice
Grey’s Anatomy
ER ... [thinking]
I am not sure if I will start any of the "new" shows starting. I really am disappointed.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Too Funny not to share
I had to share this. LOL's.
I had to share this. LOL's.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hurricane Ike came for a visit
The remnants of Hurricane Ike moved quickly through the area Sunday morning bringing heavy rains and dangerously high winds to the area. With 3 to 7 inches of rain falling in a very short time period, sewers and drainage areas have been overwhelmed. Many area
roads are covered in water and many creeks are running out of their banks. Most of the area is under a flood warning this morning as small streams, creeks, and rivers are flooding low lying areas.

Oy! We are surrounded by flooding, but luckily we didn't get any in our home. Many businesses are under foots of water. Grocery stores, restaurants, Wal-greens, and gas stations just to mention a few in the area. These businesses are not considered to be in a flood zone. So it was quite a shock to wake up to this. Hopefully the water goes down fast and life can resume for this area.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, September 1, 2008
Monday .. Monday
So today is a holiday. But it sure
as hell doesn't seem like a holiday. If it wasn't for the boyz still in their beds, I would believe it is any other day. Any other Monday. But Catcher Dude Dad needs to feel lucky .. 1) That his company actually gives this day off. 2) It actually fell on a day other than Friday, so he actually gets the day off.
Things on tap today .. nada ... well the boyz may be off to some ball field to play catch, or bat, or what ever Catcher Dude wants to drap his dad off to do. But I will not be dragged off today. I am still in way to much pain. Only one more day and the DR will be back in to let me know the next step. I got the MRI completed on Saturday. They said they were faxing off the findings that day so they would be there for him when he got back to the office on Tuesday. Why did this have to be a holiday weekend? But really .. why does he not have Saturday hours? Ugh! *sigh* Breathe.
Though CD might just stay inside and finish the book he is all excited about reading. Twilight I know he talks about the book here. Least I think???? All I know is a ton of kids (and I am led to believe mostly girls) at school are reading this series by Stephenie Meyers. Good for him! Finally he is excited about reading, and that is all I care about. I read the first chapter while he was cutting the grass he insisted. Now I don't know if it was because I am still in total pain and my mind just couldn't wrap around reading, or if the book just sucks for me. idonnno. But I didn't let on.
Things on tap today .. nada ... well the boyz may be off to some ball field to play catch, or bat, or what ever Catcher Dude wants to drap his dad off to do. But I will not be dragged off today. I am still in way to much pain. Only one more day and the DR will be back in to let me know the next step. I got the MRI completed on Saturday. They said they were faxing off the findings that day so they would be there for him when he got back to the office on Tuesday. Why did this have to be a holiday weekend? But really .. why does he not have Saturday hours? Ugh! *sigh* Breathe.
Though CD might just stay inside and finish the book he is all excited about reading. Twilight I know he talks about the book here. Least I think???? All I know is a ton of kids (and I am led to believe mostly girls) at school are reading this series by Stephenie Meyers. Good for him! Finally he is excited about reading, and that is all I care about. I read the first chapter while he was cutting the grass he insisted. Now I don't know if it was because I am still in total pain and my mind just couldn't wrap around reading, or if the book just sucks for me. idonnno. But I didn't let on.
Well really nothing else I can think of. Just rambling Monday I suppose. Anything to try and pass the time until Tuesday. But knowing the DR he doesn't make return calls until after hours, last time I called (9:15 am) to leave a message to call me, it was 9:30 pm when he called. Nothing will take place Tuesday and it will at least be Wednesday until we proceed with anything. New Meds. Surgery. Etc ..
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