Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Now appearing ...

Baseball mom herself.

Man it has been a long and hard recovery to get back in the swing on things. I have missed so much these last 6.5 months. But I am here. Ready to move forward and proceed on. I have sat down these last couple days and really considered going back over all that happen. The pain, the treatments, the ups, the downs, the accident, the gains, the losses, but really I can not yet bring myself to type it, re-live it. Maybe someday. But this is not the day.

It is time to shake the dust off and start living again. Sharing again what is most important in my life. What got me through the dark and back into the light. I still have my days where I want to gloom and doom over the fact I lost so much. But I can not. It is not going to bring it back. It will not help in the recovery process. So step on and *smile*

So I am back, not there are many readers left or even ever was. But was the blog for others, or myself? So screw it!! *smile*

So back in going to get in the swing of things. Batter up! I am back up to the plate and off the DL.

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