Saturday, February 16, 2008

You Gotta Believe

I believe ...

I believe hitting a round ball with a round bat is the hardest thing to do in all of sports.

I believe in the sacrifice fly.

I believe that Astroturf should be outlawed.

I believe that pitchers should buy catchers lunch.

I believe batting practice makes perfect.

I believe Lou Gehrig's birthday should be a national holiday.

I believe Tony Gwynn sleeps with his bat.

I believe the squeeze play should be taught in public schools.

I believe that no one is bigger than the game.

I believe somebody, somewhere, believes in the infield fly rule.

I believe it's time to sing "Take me out to the ballgame."

I believe domed stadiums are great ... for motocross.

I believe that "Field of Dreams" and "Bull Durham" are two of the best baseball movies ever made.

And I believe the two greatest words in the English language are "Play Ball"!

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