Keeping in line with the theme this month. I had more things break this week. No new surprise there. The brakes went out again. Well I guess I say that as it was just the other day.

Then on Wednesday I realized the camcorder wasn't acting right and silly me I thought I just had a setting changed and ran by the store and ask them to help me out. Oh of course there is a problem with it and I need to check it in. OH! but wait, the warranty ran out. So I just am dealing with it as is. I needed it to tape parts of the catcher dude's game for dad.
So better news this week, it looks like the city will be taking care of the sewer line, and the well be replacing it. The different companies (gas, electric, cable, etc) have come out and marked up my yard. Looks like I am decorating for holidays already with all the bright reds, oranges, and green paint out there. LOL

Another baseball weekend. Kid has a game Saturday at 2 & 4 with one team and then has a 6 o'clock tourney game with the other. So he will play the 2 o'clock game then leave those fields and head to the 6 o'clock game. Then like I said earlier they should draw the early game on Sunday @ 10 a.m. Then head over to the try-outs for the triple A select silver team from 4-6.
So should be another drop busy weekend. Kid and the hubby dude have another preseason hockey game tonight. They actually had to give away. *gasp* Their tickets for Saturday's game as baseball takes top prize right now.
Then of course bright and early Monday the new school hours go into effect.
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