... it pours week.

Alright so again, when one thing occurs of course something else has to get all screwy too. Right? Oh course.

First on Sunday night I was on my cell phone and it died. I at first thought it was the battery, so I went to charge it. Still has not come back to life. But I tried in DH phone and it works so not the battery. I tried his in mine, nope .. nada. Now seeing these are brand new phones (less then 6 months) that is a little disheartening. So Monday morning I take off to the repair center here. Their computer systems are totally down.
So I wait ... and wait ... still no computers and they FINALLY tell me "Oh we would have to order that phone, out of stock." GRRR You could not have told me this before? So I call the customer service center and having one shipped. But apparently nothing was saved on my chip so I lost everything on my phone. All my numbers and contacts.

Great some of those numbers I
ONLY had on my cell. *sigggghhhhh* But at least under warranty and a new one is on it's way. They loaned me one until it comes. (Guess that is a bright side of things moment)
Then I get home Monday from that and again sewer troubles. Now I just had this cleaned on
8-23-07 (umm yeah less then a month) I did as they suggested and spent the $$$ money to have a camera sent down to see what the problem is and then I am suppose to submit the tape, report, receipts from all the repairs, and pp tax to city and they are suppose to reimburse my money for the camera fee and also fix the troubles since I pay the unilateral tax to cover this sort of shit. Sounds simple enough right? HA!
They send the camera down and it is not clean. All this time I have had this company come out and clear out the troubles, they are not solving the problem. They are only poking small holes in the trouble areas, just enough to clear it out for a bit. UGHH. I am way beyond pissed at this point. The money I have paid for the camera service, just went down the sewer. I have to have the sewer line cleared out properly and then have it filmed again, yeah and pay again.
Needless to say I was on the phone with the company I have been paying since 2001. They have until Monday to get their asses out here and truly clear this line, and bring their own camera to prove it is clear. They will NOT be charging me or I will be on the phone with BBB and local news channels. This is BULL SH*T. So we will see how that goes.
But I will still have to have the "approved" city company come back out and film this. Though on the flip side .. if the clear it properly this time, I just might NOT HAVE ANOTHER Ficken problem.
So you would think that is the end of my woo's. HA!!
Third thing in 3 days .. Today DHL delivers my new phone, still bummed I do not have numbers, but whatcha going to do, eh? lol. So I go to leave to return loaner as I want to show good faith and return promptly. I notice truck doesn't start right off as normal. (Thinking to self .. hmmm .. well it is getting older) So I get to cellular company, drop off thank them again. Go to leave truck really takes a few more seconds. (Thinking to self .. um, this truck better not be breaking) Get to grocery store to buy ingredients for this soup recipe I found for Catcher Dude. I come out go to start truck ... um ... hello this isn't starting.
FLICK!! FLICK!!! It starts .. now not thinking to self .. screaming in my brand new phone to DH.
I AM ON MY WAY I AM NOT KILLING THIS TRUCK. GET THE HELL OUT HERE AND WE HAVE GOT TO GET THIS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sigh. Battery bad. Least nothing major.
But still my pocket book is flat now. *tears* Okay that is enough for this week. Thanks.