Well by the temps on the thermometer you wouldn't know it. But when you are gearing up for the return of school, to me signals a sign of season changing. Last Thursday (July 26) I tried really hard to split myself into. Had a parent meeting up at middle school, but kid had another tryout for a baseball team. (This was his second for this team.) Of course being these were at the same time but 45 minutes apart from one another, I just couldn't do it. So I had to do my worse thing. *gasp* Ask for help. Ask for someone else to deal with my child, while I dealt with another aspect of said child. I really wasn't happy with how that turned out, but what can you do when you have someone else helping you.
Things have been crazy (as usual) around here. A little update on things.
On School Front:
Middle school (of course .. i would not expect any less then problems when it comes to school related things. lol) didn't have kid signed to a team yet. At first they said they didn't have him enrolled, but they cashed my check, so umm yeah you do. But they promised he would be in a team by today (Wednesday Aug 1). Which he was. On first, second, and third opinion, I really like this Principal. Very down to earth, but still seems down to business. So I really have good hopes for this upcoming school season. These next two days (Aug 1 & 2) he is in a pre-class before school starts. They help them get geared towards middle school, lockers, binders, switching classes, transitioning, etc .. Today the Tye dyed shirts according to their team. Right now kid is on 7C. But that might change again before 13th, so not set in stone. So we will see. What can I say. I always am positive when we make changes and all seems like for the better, not we all know that hasn't always been the case.
Sunday(29th) after they got done bowling I got an awesome deal on 3 ring binders. Kid needs 5 (red, blue, green, black, purple) usually 3 ring binders are $4-$5 a piece. Sale .99. I was jumping for joy on that one. I like how each class is color coded. binder, spiral notebook, and 2 pocket folder all in the above mentioned colors. Then each set is designed for a certain class. Very clever idea. I hope this keeps kid on track and organized.
Registration is the next 6 days. We are going to shoot for Friday. He will get is very first student ID, class schedule, locker assignment, and bus schedule. I will pay out checks, lol. (Lunch, PTA, School Pictures, yearbook, and extra ID). I still can not believe his school pictures are BEFORE school even starts. That is just to odd in my book. So anyway, ready or not middle school is just 12 days away. *sigh*
On Baseball Front:
Like I said earlier kid went to second tryout for the bulldogs last Thursday(26th). They must see something they like to keep having him back. He had 2 different tryouts on Saturday (28th). That was a long day. Cobras 11 am - 1 pm then Saints 2p-4p. It was HOT, NO SHADE, and imo too long of a day for kid. But he did his hardest. He got a new bat on Friday night (27th). He was happy about that. Little shorter, but heavier. Then Monday he had practice with his current team Rhinos. This was just catchers & pitchers. So he is getting his workouts here lately. As of right now we are scaling back on his try outs. It is getting to be to much, and even though he is the one that is push, push, pushing, he needs to rest. We skipped 1 this past Sunday and skipping this Friday & Saturday. But we are letting him tryout next Monday (6th) for a team. So we will see come later this month what if anything comes out of all this hard work.
Other stuff:
CDD is working a lot of OT. Hating his hours. But this is only option right now. He will just have to find another job and move on. That is about all he can do at this point. He is giving up OT to take kid out next Friday. Hasn't really been around that much this summer with changing jobs and all the different shifts before switching and now that he has switched. *sigh* But least he is giving up a great deal of $$ to make a memory. *smile*
Only one more week of bowling for kid. Then 2 weeks and CDD starts. *thud* This household never settles in. Always on the go. I really am going to sit down in a couple days and try to make out a schedule and stick to it. Problem? No one day is the same twice. But least I can try.
Well I think that about updates this current.
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