Sunday, February 5, 2006

No News

There isn't any news on the moves to Florida. Though we have "heard" through the grapevine that hubbys mother and her husband are really considering it. But of course she would pack up & be gone and not a word to her son. So we will never know for sure unless the grapevine confirms and tells us so.

God only knows what will come about my mother and her husband. I don't think they will go any where. My mother is to dependant on her 27 year old and vis versa. That will not change. That girl still lives at home .. taking all she can from her mother. Plus she has added another dependant to the household. Having mother raise said "dependant" .. but takes all and full credit with that. ha ha what a joke.

But February 10th is just round corner. So we will see.

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