Saturday, February 25, 2006

Living in a Brady Bunch Episode

Mom always said .. Don't play ball in the house ... Mom always said .. Don't play ball in the house ... Mom always said .. Don't play ball in the house ... rang in my ear over and over again as ....

I cleaned up my broke lamp in the family room last night. Catcher Dude and 2 friends were playing ball in the house y/day. After I repeatedly said stop ... *crash* is all I heard. I am still so mad this A.M.

Part of me thinks the parents of said kids should help pay for the broken lamp. But my husband says kid is the one at fault because he knew not to do it. So while hubby is at work today, I get stuck laying down law here. *yeah* for me.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday Findings.

Well busy week here. We are getting bids for a new kitchen floor so we have had people in and out all week. Looks like we have settled for a company and they will be coming when kid is on spring break. I am so happy!! The floor has needed to be replaced since we moved in '99.

Also the insurance adjuster came out for the hail damage. We will be getting a new roof this spring. Along with new screens and window trim. The landscaping lights will all need to be replaced as well. So this spring should be a busy one.

Hubby has rode his new bike to and from work the past two days. That is awesome he is trying to get fit!! I am proud of him.

Kid has had a better week this week. Not so stressfull. They had D.A.R.E. graduation Wednesday. It was fun. Kids essay was not picked as a winner. The winning essay was nice. I can not wait to see and read kids. Anything he manages to write more than 2 sentences is a big accomplishment. *Applaud* I ordered him a special treat for his essay, and trying his best. He tries very hard to over come his language delay. So I always try to boast when he writes anything of length. *Smile*

D.A.R.E. Graduates.

Yesterday was a very good day for him. He got 21/20 spelling words (getting the bonus as well) He worked hard!!

This weekend is a simple one. Basketball Game on Saturday. Birthday Party for Kayla on Sunday.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Homeschool time

I have really really been considering the whole homeschooling thing again. I am just fed up!! I really thought I had searched well and this school was a great fit with kid. Things were going well. Some "issues" but all bearable I suppose. But this quarter (3rd) is just making my hair turn gray again!! Things are certainly getting out of hand. Kid back to wanting to stay home. He had not missed one day of school since it started back in July. Now within a weeks time twice home. *oy* I do not have the energy anymore. Hubby seems to believe it is just the teacher and give it a try still next year. But I am not sure I want to chance it. I just don't know what the "answers" are .. and the more I think .. the more thy head hurts. *smile*

The whole pulling him out and homeschooling sounds so right for us. But also sounds and "looks" over whelming. I am sure once you get started it is fine. Just the whole "getting" started thing. *laugh* I just don't have the answers. I am not sure I want to "hang in" there as hubby suggests for even the rest of this school year. 3-4 more months of teacher, school, and/or both could really do damage to this child. We just seemed like things were on track again from the 3 years of *hell* from past school.

I also doubt myself. I doubt I can do any help to him. That I can "teach" .. what do I know about teaching? I do not have degrees, etc ...

So anyway. That is what is on burner now.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The news is in ...

*drom roll please*

They are all staying here. MIL and her hubby. My Mother and her hubby. They both decided to stay. No jobs lined up. But they are staying. So guess we will see what happens from there.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Website of the Day for February 8--PseudoDictionary.Com


Our website of the day makes everyone's "pseudo English" legit.

PseudoDictionary.Com has thousands of words that aren't in the dictionary, but probably should be.

You can submit your own words, and look up slang words so you can finally understand what your kids are saying.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

No News

There isn't any news on the moves to Florida. Though we have "heard" through the grapevine that hubbys mother and her husband are really considering it. But of course she would pack up & be gone and not a word to her son. So we will never know for sure unless the grapevine confirms and tells us so.

God only knows what will come about my mother and her husband. I don't think they will go any where. My mother is to dependant on her 27 year old and vis versa. That will not change. That girl still lives at home .. taking all she can from her mother. Plus she has added another dependant to the household. Having mother raise said "dependant" .. but takes all and full credit with that. ha ha what a joke.

But February 10th is just round corner. So we will see.

Saturday, February 4, 2006


Today is the Speech Meet for kid. He did great job. I have to give him his props. He has something in him that his father nor I have. There is NO WAY I could get up there in front of a group of people and do that.

I am so proud of him. He did great. Really learned his lines. Worked well with his partner. They were really good.

Out of three places. He & his partner took second. WAY TO GO!! I was totally shocked. :) He is very proud of his blue ribbon.

Nice day. :)