Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Work & Such

Things have been going very well. I enjoy my job. I enjoy being out of the house. Still having the flexible time with kid is eXcellent!! I got a family member to actually pick kid up the last week & half so I could really pile this check to use for Christmas. But this pay period is over so I will resume normal hours. The down side ...

The other employees do not like the fact their boss (which of course is my boss as well) is my husband. *thud* We should all seen this one coming. Oh well. Most have settled into the fact. But one .. the only female until I got there .. is being the BIGGEST B*tch!! I can not stand her! She threw a big hissy fit to the bigger boss (my husbands boss) on Monday, now things are just a mess and I want to strangle her!! She claims I said something that I never did. But I refuse to play she said .. she said BS.

My hubby has known hers for a long while, they have bowled & golf together I do not know how many years. She has her job because of my husband. But she has the nerve to say LIES & to cause ****!! Makes me want to SCREAM!!

He at first wasn't saying much, what can he say? He is her boss. But he realizes (least I hope) she is up to NO GOOD. Causing grief not only at work but at our house.

Ooops!! Got side tracked with a rant there.

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