Starting back on my 10 on Tuesday, that will now be 10 on Thursday. As before am going to post 10 things I am grateful for in no particular order all starting with the letter "D".
1. Dogs - I love my doggie. Dakota!! He lightens up our lives. Poor lil guy is starting to show age. But he still is great!!
2. December- I love December because this month holds my very favorite holiday... Christmas!!!
3. Dessert- The word alone explains itself!
4. Defrost button- I would really be in a pickle sometimes without the wonderful Defrost button on my microwave. Saves me more than I like to admit.
5. Dating- Who doesn't love to go on dates? I enjoy the times me and my husband get to go out, just the two of us, and spend some time with one another.
6. Daughter- I am a daughter. I love being the oldest.
7. Dinner- I love dinner and I love it more when its spent with family.
8. Dairy- I love dairy products. Not a big milk drinker. But cheese. Oh my!!
9. Department stores- I love to shop!!!
10. Diamonds - What woman doesn't like diamonds. ha ha!!
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Last Week
This is the last (full) week of school. The kids do have to go next M, T, W but they are just 1/2 days. They just go take final in class and come home. So really this is the last week. Last days to walk the halls for this school year.
It has been so stressful around here lately with not getting in bed early enough, not wanting to get up, last minute assignments, projects, procrastinating doing such assignments, projects, rain outs of ball games, etc. etc. The list goes on and on.
I have been screaming from the roof tops, "I can not wait until this school year is over!!"
But then I typed those words this morning on FB.
My breathe literaly was knocked out of me. This is it. It's over. (well almost) One year down in High School. 3 more to go. Where did the year go? Cross Country seems like so long ago. Another time. Baseball? We blinked and the season was over. *shaking head* I am not even sure the school went by slow enough for CD to enjoy his first year of HS. LOL
Though Freshman was good, okay. I really hope Sophmore year brings better times for all involved.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Last days of Freshman year ...
It has been so stressful around here lately with not getting in bed early enough, not wanting to get up, last minute assignments, projects, procrastinating doing such assignments, projects, rain outs of ball games, etc. etc. The list goes on and on.
I have been screaming from the roof tops, "I can not wait until this school year is over!!"
But then I typed those words this morning on FB.
Last days of Freshman year ...
My breathe literaly was knocked out of me. This is it. It's over. (well almost) One year down in High School. 3 more to go. Where did the year go? Cross Country seems like so long ago. Another time. Baseball? We blinked and the season was over. *shaking head* I am not even sure the school went by slow enough for CD to enjoy his first year of HS. LOL
Though Freshman was good, okay. I really hope Sophmore year brings better times for all involved.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Best $20 I ever spent ..
Wednesday DS school had their yearly Awards & Recognition Night. DS was chosen to receive the Teacher's Choice Award. But when receiving the letter notifying us of this wonderful news it also stated there were to be No Shorts, Jeans, flip flops, or tennis shoes worn.
Really? Have you met my child? Shorts, Jeans, Baseball Pants. That is his wardrobe. So knowing I was NOT about to go buy pants, fight finding him pants to fit, or buying dress shoes.
I got to calling around for a place that rents suits. DH was sure I would pay more to rent these clothes than I would to buy them. But I called anyway. Yep they rent them, were on our way. For $20 I rented suit pants, and shoes. SCORE!! I know I could not buy those for that price. So got them all ordered told to pick up Monday and return Thursday.
Then Monday night DS was asked to volunteer at the NHS induction ceremony Tuesday night. (Another Please no jeans, etc .. etc .. evening)
Then the awards night was Wednesday.
Meanwhile Monday evening DS's High School Baseball coaches mother passes away. The viewing was last night Thursday.
So DS got to wear those pants and shoes 3 times in the time span that he had the rental.
So my $20 rental got 3 days of usage. Now that is what I call a bargain. Though we would have all rather passed on having the use last night.
The funniest thing happen when we went to order the pants. Now I had already spoken to a sales (male) associate about his sizing issues. He told me they only rent children size suits, but he apparently looked it up and said nope he would be fine. So we walk in, I tell them we are there to order suit pants and shoes.
Woman: Ma'am we only have children sizes.
Me: I know.
Woman: (looking around) Where is the child
Me: (pointing to DS standing taller than me) Here.
Woman: Ma'am he is too big to fit in child's.
Me: (looking around) I spoke to a male associate on the phone he said it was all right.
Woman: (calling another associate) Did you speak to this woman about a child's suit for HIM?!?
Man: Ma'am this is the son you called about. There is no way.
Well they measured him, yep child's size 14 waist. Inseam 38.
Man & Woman (together) DAMN! He does fit in children sizing!!
No one ever believes me about the way he is built.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Really? Have you met my child? Shorts, Jeans, Baseball Pants. That is his wardrobe. So knowing I was NOT about to go buy pants, fight finding him pants to fit, or buying dress shoes.
I got to calling around for a place that rents suits. DH was sure I would pay more to rent these clothes than I would to buy them. But I called anyway. Yep they rent them, were on our way. For $20 I rented suit pants, and shoes. SCORE!! I know I could not buy those for that price. So got them all ordered told to pick up Monday and return Thursday.
Then Monday night DS was asked to volunteer at the NHS induction ceremony Tuesday night. (Another Please no jeans, etc .. etc .. evening)
Then the awards night was Wednesday.
Meanwhile Monday evening DS's High School Baseball coaches mother passes away. The viewing was last night Thursday.
So DS got to wear those pants and shoes 3 times in the time span that he had the rental.
So my $20 rental got 3 days of usage. Now that is what I call a bargain. Though we would have all rather passed on having the use last night.
The funniest thing happen when we went to order the pants. Now I had already spoken to a sales (male) associate about his sizing issues. He told me they only rent children size suits, but he apparently looked it up and said nope he would be fine. So we walk in, I tell them we are there to order suit pants and shoes.
Woman: Ma'am we only have children sizes.
Me: I know.
Woman: (looking around) Where is the child
Me: (pointing to DS standing taller than me) Here.
Woman: Ma'am he is too big to fit in child's.
Me: (looking around) I spoke to a male associate on the phone he said it was all right.
Woman: (calling another associate) Did you speak to this woman about a child's suit for HIM?!?
Man: Ma'am this is the son you called about. There is no way.
Well they measured him, yep child's size 14 waist. Inseam 38.
Man & Woman (together) DAMN! He does fit in children sizing!!
No one ever believes me about the way he is built.
Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Star Was Born ( Happy Birthday Catcher Dude)
My Star Was Born
It was May 5, 1995 3:31 at night
I heard a voice crying so loud yet so light.
Oh! I could hardly believe it,
I saw 10 little fingers, 10 little toes
1 chubby body & 1 little nose.
I couldn't explain what I have felt then
So, the very first day, I stared at You again.
I never wanted to leave You nor sleep a bit
I always wanted to embrace You
& kiss You from head to feet.
What a great feeling!
A wonderful blessing!
Not everyone would see
nor count as it should be.
God, so meek & mild,
He gave You to me
My dearest & only child, who turned 15 today.
Happy Birthday!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
It was May 5, 1995 3:31 at night
I heard a voice crying so loud yet so light.
Oh! I could hardly believe it,
I saw 10 little fingers, 10 little toes
1 chubby body & 1 little nose.
I couldn't explain what I have felt then
So, the very first day, I stared at You again.
I never wanted to leave You nor sleep a bit
I always wanted to embrace You
& kiss You from head to feet.
What a great feeling!
A wonderful blessing!
Not everyone would see
nor count as it should be.
God, so meek & mild,
He gave You to me
My dearest & only child, who turned 15 today.
Happy Birthday!!

Baseball Mom
©2006-2010 baseballmomrambles, all rights reserved.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
She's Alive ..
I really do not know where time has gone. It seems like it was just the beginning of March. We were sitting on pins and needles waiting for High School Baseball Tryouts to be completed and the start of the season.
Now I sit here and it is the 4th of May. Catcherdudes birthday is tomorrow, the last HS baseball game is Thursday, and there is only 15 more whole days and 3 1/3 days left of the Freshman year. WOW! Where did the time go? It is just flying by.
Their season records stands today 9-2. But the large number of scores in the games were unbelievable.

This coach everyone spoke very highly of and he didn't disappoint in the least. CD learned so much in these short 9 weeks. Sad it has to end. Though the boys never learned to play as a whole, more me, me, me boys than team, team, team. But you almost have to excuse a couple as that is how they were raised. As you could tell that in the parent benches. But I am not going to dwell on that as I was expecting BIG egos, to go with the freshman boys. Just in their testosterone's. LOL. But as everything it is time to move on. Spring/Summer baseball had already been in progress while CD away at high School team.
The Birthday .. Oh yes one of the bigger ones. He can now get his driving permit. Most kids would be biting at the bits for the date to turn and rush off to get it. Not mine.
"I am busy."
"Baseball and School come first."
"Might get around to it after school ends."
What a nut!
I can not say I will be sad this year for school to be ending. It is time. Time for break. Time to not have that plus all the other activities. Time to enjoy the upcoming Summer. Just wished the calendar reflected that. This week alone is jammed for. Volunteer hours for CD tonight, plus I am helping out as well. Awards Wednesday plus his birthday, volunteering at school during lunch & last game on Thursday. Etc.. etc .. on and on ...
Speaking of which I am now off to shower and start my day. Kitchen and laundry room been yelling at me all morning. Guess I best listen.
Baseball Mom
Now I sit here and it is the 4th of May. Catcherdudes birthday is tomorrow, the last HS baseball game is Thursday, and there is only 15 more whole days and 3 1/3 days left of the Freshman year. WOW! Where did the time go? It is just flying by.
Their season records stands today 9-2. But the large number of scores in the games were unbelievable.

This coach everyone spoke very highly of and he didn't disappoint in the least. CD learned so much in these short 9 weeks. Sad it has to end. Though the boys never learned to play as a whole, more me, me, me boys than team, team, team. But you almost have to excuse a couple as that is how they were raised. As you could tell that in the parent benches. But I am not going to dwell on that as I was expecting BIG egos, to go with the freshman boys. Just in their testosterone's. LOL. But as everything it is time to move on. Spring/Summer baseball had already been in progress while CD away at high School team.
The Birthday .. Oh yes one of the bigger ones. He can now get his driving permit. Most kids would be biting at the bits for the date to turn and rush off to get it. Not mine.
"I am busy."
"Baseball and School come first."
"Might get around to it after school ends."
What a nut!
I can not say I will be sad this year for school to be ending. It is time. Time for break. Time to not have that plus all the other activities. Time to enjoy the upcoming Summer. Just wished the calendar reflected that. This week alone is jammed for. Volunteer hours for CD tonight, plus I am helping out as well. Awards Wednesday plus his birthday, volunteering at school during lunch & last game on Thursday. Etc.. etc .. on and on ...
Speaking of which I am now off to shower and start my day. Kitchen and laundry room been yelling at me all morning. Guess I best listen.
Baseball Mom
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