Graduation day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After nineteen years of child-rearing, they are unemployed.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
We are having technical difficulties
Please Stand By ...
We are having technical difficulties
We could not complete your request. Please accept our apology for this temporary service outage. We've notified our system administrators who are now working to fix the problem.
I put our entire life on hold waiting for these schedules. I mean everything goes on hold. Work, school act ivies, housework, shopping, cleaning, food, laundry, our activities, EVERYTHING. I make no plans until each schedule comes out and I can form everything around the practices and games. Because there is nothing worse than parents signing their children up, or letting their children sign-up for baseball (or whatever sport you wish to fill the blank in with) and then say things like, "We are going on vacation", "We have [fill with another sport] on this night", "He has school in the morning", "I have school that night", .. and on and on .. So I make
Everyone wants answers as to when we are free. (Which really is never, but I try to squeeze time in for other activities.) But really ... come on already. The season starts Monday.
I have CDD's ride on vacation starting Friday until the 8th. It would really be handy to know if I have to juggle all next week with no car.
I just may have to have surgery .. and this is a must to schedule around CDD's work schedule, and baseball.
I do not complain, I do not pester, I do sit in quiet waiting .. but when it is time to release the darn schedule .. RELEASE THE DARN SCHEDULE!!
Okay .. I feel better. Well least about this item.
Now if we could get the "technical difficulties" of my health straighten out, we would be on a roll. ;-)
Monday, August 25, 2008
This Is So True!
The Adventures of the Headless Family: Open Letter to People with Pools
Open Letter to People with Pools
Hey! I'm so glad that you chose to come on by. Have you been enjoying your summer? I'm sure that your POOL has given you many hours of glorious fun with your children this summer. Countless memories of splashing, wet, laughing moments.
I'm really happy for you. Really.
I do however have one request. I hope you don't mind. It's just a small thing.
Are you sure? OK. Here I go.
Next summer? Could you refrain from saying, in front of my pool-less children, that you would love to have us come over? That you'll call and set it up? That you would love for my children to come over to SWIM?
Go to her blog to finish reading .. it really is good. :-)
Catch up
Of course is this all due illness I fell to over the winter? The busy life we live of baseball? The fact I am once again ill? Who knows but I have to get my balls in order around here. No question about it!! My first project will be the office. With heading a few boards at school, plus being on the PTSA board this office needs an over all.
Now my health. Least this time [knock on wood] I hope not as serious as before .. well really not serious at all tyvm. I went to the obgyn this past Tuesday and I go back again (possibly) this tuesday. But that is another call I have to make later.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Favorite song in a while
Day 2
I changed the layout yesterday, and I was not thrilled this a.m. so I changed it back for the most part.
hmmmm .. what else. Nope can not think of anything. I have errands to run today and eh not really in the mood.
Catcher Dude does have practice tonight. He is

Well I tried calling CD and of course he does not answer his phone. I swear I am going to get rid of that thing!! @#$&!!! I wanted to know what was said between bus driver and CD. Oh well gives us something to actually say to one another this afternoon.
K' I am outta here
Monday, August 11, 2008
First Day .. not a repeat
So he is off and 8th grade is on it's way to being 1 less day. *sigh* So now here mom sits lost as usual. Yes it is the same start of another school year. I will find something to occupy my time. Actually if I can get the okay I am going to possible look for a job this year. Though I will miss being able to help out around school. But money and passing the time in a much better use probably is better for me.
Well this blog is not going anywhere so I will close. Maybe a blog face lift is in order today.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Last day of summer & Ghoul Supplies
I certainly hope things go well for all this upcoming school year. I hope my health holds and I am here for his middle school graduation. (Well actually all graduations .. but baby steps here) I want to enjoy this year. Not be buried under pills, wires, and blurry memories.
Catcher dude seems happy with his schedule. He practically got to write it. Not only chosing classes, but teachers as well. Must be nice to have so many connections to get hooked up that way. One class that made me go, huh? Was pre-algebra. Excuse me? I had that in HS. Little fast they are pushing these children I think. Oh well. WTHE!
So I leave you with this funny, and check her out. Great site. Pajama mommy
‘Twas a month before back to school and all through the stores,
The stock was depleted, the shelves were all bare
No notebooks, no rulers, nor new clothes to wear.
The children were playing freeze tag in the aisle,
No visions of classrooms cramping their style.
With summer vacation still only half done,
Their thoughts of school simply weighed it at none.
But Mama she knew the time had arrived,
To hunt and to gather the needed supplies.
Though now it seemed her timing was wrong.
Still four weeks to go, but the stuff was all gone!
No boxes for lunch, no cases for pencils
No backpacks, erasers, paper or stencils.
No crayons for coloring, no glue for the crafts,
Mama sighed, turned around, and then let out a laugh.
For what to her wondering eyes did appear?
But witches and ghosts and trick or treat gear.
For though Halloween was three months away,
The candy and costumes were there on display.
Mom scanned her list, a new plan she devised,
What’s a mother to do, but improvise?
They can carry their books in that large witches’ cauldron,
And for a lunch box, a cute plastic pumpkin!
They will make do without crayons and pens,
Face paints for writing, just a means to an end.
Slimy goop for the glue and cobweb covers for books,
And scissors made out of these pirate hooks!
Mom checked off her list, her spirits undaunted,
So what if these school supplies are all haunted?
But this enthusiasm, the kids did not share,
With their own sense of horror, frozen, they stared.
And then with a shriek, the protest did start,
We can’t go to school like that – have a heart!
The kids will all laugh, they’ll call us all names,
We’ll never be able to live down the shame!
Now kids, she said, just stop all this worry,
To finish this shopping, we really must hurry.
And really, this fretting, is all for no reason
For no one will know who you are this Fall season.
Since they are the only clothes to buy in your size,
In these costumes, you won’t even be recognized.
No need for shame, they won’t know who you are.
So come on and help me load up the car.
The kids hung their heads and rode home in defeat,
While mom munched away on a sweet, crunchy treat.
For all of her shopping, it was the cream of the pack
This bag full of chocolate that never talked back.
Copyright 2008 Christine Gauvreau