Electric ..
yep!! You get so use to walking into a room flipping a switch and there it is. You walk to living to watch TV, yep there it is. The air conditioners that need that beautiful energy to keep you cool in the 100-degree weather being dumped on you. Food kept good by the wonders of refrigerators & the electric that keeps them running. YES!! This is something that we take for granted and miss when gone.
We had a terrible storm come tearing through our great city. Taking with it … or great electricity. We had no power from Wednesday night (July 19, 2006) until Sunday morning (July 23). I was never so glad to hear our machine come on when I called our house for the 100,000 time.
Wednesday (July 19) - Bad storm flew through and took out over 400,000 peoples electric around here. Temps well into the high 90's-100's. We stayed at the house this night as still fairly cool inside from a/c.
Thursday (July 20) - Still no electric. Now we are on a boil order. No ice to be found. DH's work without power so we all sat around here most of the day dying. I took kid up to library for some relief in the heat. Around 2 we showered for the 10th time and went further south to eat where we knew they had electric and a/c. Then we headed to Movie Theater to stay cool. Saw "Click", "You, Me, & Depree", and "Superman". We thought we might go stay with DH's father but when we returned home to pick up clothes, and dog . I got the bright idea it wasn't toooooo bad and we stayed another night in the no electric, no a/c. BIG MISTAKE!! It got hotter while we were trying to sleep. Temps again were in the almost if not 100's for the day.
Friday (July 21) - STILL no electric. I spent morning dumping out upstairs frig/freezer, & downstairs frig/freezer. Leaving my big chest freezer (hoping). Another storm popped up and hammered us yet again. Just caused more damage. Ripping up signs & throwing tree branches clear cross streets. DH still had no power at work, but had to sit up there in the heat and dark waiting for delivery trucks. Electric was due to be on late this day for us, but didn't happen. So at 5:00 we packed up clothes, dog, and etc .. and head out to DH's dad's house.
Saturday (July 22) - Stayed at FIL. He didn't have cable, so we sat around and watched DVD's. Least had A/C. That most important. Kid was really getting restless. I should have thought to pack up the PS2. So we that evening we went to Chuckie Cheese and he played, and we ate. lol. I kept calling house .. minute I hear the answering machine I was outta there. I appreciate the cool place to stay .. but DH dad & the other upstairs room mate (There are three guys that live there .. 2 upstairs and 1 downstairs which is completed with kitchen/bath, etc, that rent this house from the guy who lives next door to this house) smoke. Kid & I were dying. But never complained.
Sunday (July 23) - I woke up at 8:30 called house .. YESSSSSSSS machine kicked on!! We packed and loaded up and were out before 9:30. It was nice to get back home to MY house. With A/C. Spent day cooling off. Laundry. Straightening house. I threw out all of the deep freezer except a turkey. It was still half frozen.
Monday (July 24) - Did nothing. DH work still no power. But bought some generators to least run a couple things there. But still in high heats.
Tuesday (July 25) - Took Kid to see "Yours, Mine, & Ours" at the free summer series at the theater. Then met up with my mom and niece and had lunch. Looked around mall for a bit, and headed back home. DH still no power at work. I cooked the turkey and fixings, and we had Thanksgiving in July dinner. rofl. I had to take Kid out to finish up school shopping.
Wednesday (July 26) - Started my day doing housework & laundry. Labeling Kid stuff. DH still without power, but they were getting a tractor trailer size generators that will run your whole building size electric. They couldn't be down any longer. We lost our power again about 9 AM. I am not beyond able to handle this crap any longer. I packed up both kids and we headed to chuckie cheese for the day!! DH work was sending over one of the generators they bought early in the week. But when we got home our power was back. Funny thing so was DH work. They just got the generator all installed (the HUGH one) and all set to power it up. They get their electric back. rofl. Now DH is on 12 hour days .. 7 days week. *thud*
Thursday (July 27) - First day of school. I can not believe these babies are going into 6th grade. *sniff* Had to run DH on couple errands. Then back to pick up Kid. He had a great day. But we will see in a couple weeks, when things get going. lol